Entries by Lilac James

Cleaning your Workplace to Reduce the Risks of COVID-19

An employer’s first duty of care is to their staff, and as such you must protect them from harm. As the phased return to work is underway for most businesses, this means that reasonable steps must be taken to protect everybody from contracting Coronavirus. The virus, just like other cold and flu viruses, can be […]

Staying Safe when Returning to Work

With business set to restart over the coming weeks, many people will be understandably nervous about venturing out to work in the wake of the current Coronavirus pandemic.  They’ll have spent the last few months in the safety of their own home, either furloughed or working from home.  As they return to the office, and […]

What Precautions Should Employers Take On Return To Work After Lockdown?

We’re living in a time that is completely unprecedented.  The Coronavirus pandemic has left almost every country across the globe in severe financial debt and uncertainty, and we’re certainly not immune here in the UK.  With the government’s plan on restarting the economy imminent, employers are wondering how they can safely invite their employees back […]

Sorting out Coronavirus Myths and Misconceptions

As a cleaning company, we’ve been inundated with questions from worried clients about the Coronavirus pandemic. Quite rightly, they want to be assured that we’re following stringent health and safety procedures in a bid to help fight this awful disease. We’re all swimming in uncharted waters; Covid-19 is a new disease, so scientists are learning […]

Coronavirus and How to Protect Yourself

As a cleaning company we have been inundated with questions about the Coronavirus, and what measures can be taken to prevent possible infection. We also offer a specific commercial service for Coronavirus Deep Cleaning. Brightr have always undertaken our duties responsibly and so, if you as consumers follow basic guidelines too, the risks of infection […]

What are the Biggest Contributors to an Untidy Office?

Having a tidy workspace can directly impact on productivity in a positive way.  Studies have also proven that a clean and tidy environment can improve mental health, and the act of cleaning itself can also help.  Unfortunately, very few workers can afford time to set aside for cleaning on top of an already busy schedule, […]

Knowing the Difference Between Clean and Sanitised

Many people are mistaken when they think that because something has been cleaned, it’s sanitised.  So does your commercial cleaning company understand the difference? Thousands of germs are spread in common areas of the workplace; your personal workstation alone could harbour millions of potentially infectious germs.  They multiply at alarming rates and are present on […]

Is Cleaning a Contentious Issue Within Relationships?

Is cleaning a shared responsibility, or does one partner do and care more about it than the other?  Is cleaning heaven or hell?  However you regard it, it’s our business here at Brightr! We wanted to find out who does most of the cleaning in UK households, and we did so earlier this year by […]

Can Air Fresheners be Damaging to our Health?

Our places of work can often get a musty odour from time to time, particularly over weekends or holidays when there’s nobody there to throw open a window or two! It’s no wonder there can be a build-up of smells with the amount of ‘people traffic’ moving through the premises on a daily basis.  So […]

Caring for our Community

It’s fair to say that Brightr is a family run business that really cares about community.  We have been told in the past that what sets us apart is our understanding of the way our customers want to work, and how we fit in with that. Commercial cleaning is a people business and it is only […]