What are the Biggest Contributors to an Untidy Office?

Having a tidy workspace can directly impact on productivity in a positive way.  Studies have also proven that a clean and tidy environment can improve mental health, and the act of cleaning itself can also help.  Unfortunately, very few workers can afford time to set aside for cleaning on top of an already busy schedule, added to the fact that very few have the inclination!

So what are the factors that contribute to an untidy and sometimes unclean workplace?


  • Illness

Bugs and germs spread through coughs, colds and other viruses can have a big impact on hygiene, cleanliness and overall untidiness in the office.  Germ ridden tissues can soon pile up in bins when any of the workforce catch a cold, and in addition to that there’s the mess that the eye can’t see!  Cold and flu viruses can breed on surfaces for over 24 hours if left uncleaned.  Shared use of keyboards, phones, pens and pencils will see the spread of germs multiply at an alarming rate, and pass from person to person until all are infected.  The thought leaves you reaching for the anti-bacterial wipes….


  • Food and drink

How many of us actually go to a designated area to eat lunch? It’s thought that a third of UK employees don’t leave their workplace during the working day, so the chances are that 1 in 3 of you sit at your desk to eat.  Even if you ‘down tools’ for a few minutes to eat you could well be interrupted by a phone call, or an important email that you need to answer immediately.  Food particles and crumbs will spread across your work space, and coffee and tea slopped over the top of mugs can cause a sticky mess.

If staff really do prefer to eat at their work station, try to encourage the use of a barrier; paper towels can catch dropped foodstuffs and be thrown away straight after.  Spills should be cleaned up immediately.  Food mess not only looks unsightly, but can smell bad too, and sometimes even encourage pests if not dealt with promptly.

The meeting room can be another haven for leftover food and drink.  If you have clients in, the room will invariable look pristine when they arrive, and carnage when they leave!  Delegate the clean up straight away. Clear away the tea and coffee cups, and bin the food packaging if there is any. A quick wipe down of surfaces will have it looking pristine again in no time.


  • Paper and other recyclables

If your business is paper heavy, then it stands to reason that you may have desks filled with files and reports.  If not filed appropriately, these can soon get out of hand, and what starts as a small pile in your in-tray can soon become a mountain.  Organise a suitable filing system as they may contain classified or confidential information which should be under lock and key.  Shred any unnecessary paperwork, or recycle as appropriate.  Keep on top of bins too; sort anything recyclable to make your workplace as ‘green’ as possible. A few minutes spent on this each day could save you hours at the end of the week!


  • Insufficient cleaning

An absence of proper cleaning can leave the premises looking lack-lustre and uninspiring.  Aside from the mess that you can see, there is also the hygiene aspect of the mess that you can’t.  Investment in a professional commercial cleaning service will ensure that all cleaning tasks are undertaken, and a clean and hygienic service is delivered.  You can talk to us about the services that Brightr offer and how we can help you keep your workplace gleaming!

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