Entries by Lilac James

8 Tips for Keeping your Office Clean in Autumn

The year is flying by so fast that before you know it, winter will be upon us. But before that, we have the autumn to contend with, which although colourful and vibrant, can also be a wet and sludgy season. Fallen leaves can block drains, be a slipping hazard on pathways when wet, and fly […]


If you are a business owner, you’ll know how important it is to have your finger on the pulse! The major responsibilities any business faces need to be addressed and dealt with to ensure its smooth running and success. There are very few major issues or responsibilities that get overlooked, and so it may surprise […]


If you’re an office worker, you’ll know how much time you spend sat at your desk on an office chair.  That’s why it’s essential that you have a chair that is comfortable, and adjustable so that you can get the right ‘fit’ for you. It also stands to reason that you’d want a chair that […]

What are the dirtiest areas in the office?

Over the last couple of years, we’ve all been cleaner; hand hygiene has never been better, and incidences of food poisoning plummeted because there were far less germs spreading from hand to mouth. More of us took care if we coughed or sneezed, making sure we sanitised our hands after an episode. We all took […]

Factors to Consider for Cleaning of Communal Areas

As we go into a much more relaxed phase of the pandemic, it’s still vitally important to keep any accessible part of your business clean and tidy. With the risk of spreading and contracting any type of virus, not least Covid-19, this poses separate challenges for cleaning operatives and demands extra attention to that of […]


In basic terms, a commercial cleaning company does exactly what its title suggests. Commercial cleaning services are engaged by a myriad of business types and sectors to take care of the daily or weekly cleaning requirements at their premises. The type and size of the contracts that commercial cleaners take on can differ depending on […]

What is the Average Cost for Office Cleaning in the UK?

The cleaning sector in the UK has seen considerable growth in recent years and continues to grow. Companies and individuals alike have become far more aware of the threat of infection caused by bacteria and germ transference, particularly in the workplace. A greater emphasis has been put on the need for cleaning and sanitising, and […]

Is it Cost Effective to Clean your Own Offices?

In 2022 we are all feeling the pinch. The pandemic has hit many businesses hard and lots of us are trying to find ways to recoup our losses and recover costs where we can. It’s always a good idea to have a good look at your spending and see where you can make cuts. But […]

3 Rules for Better Business

The Winter months can seem long even though the days are short, but as they lengthen, and the weather starts to become milder we can focus our thoughts on Spring. After all, it’s officially only just over a month away and many businesses will be looking to have a bit of a spring clean. How […]

Coronavirus Cleaning and Disinfection

We have been warned by the government that the pandemic is not over; with unpredictable outbreaks occurring and new variants like Omicron emerging we are still very much in a pandemic. On a more optimistic note, scientists have agreed that the Covid-19 pandemic will end at some point and become an epidemic. This means that the likelihood […]