The year is flying by so fast that before you know it, winter will be upon us. But before that, we have the autumn to contend with, which although colourful and vibrant, can also be a wet and sludgy season. Fallen leaves can block drains, be a slipping hazard on pathways when wet, and fly into our homes and workplaces each time the door is opened.

Coupled with the usual grass, mud and dirt, workplace cleanliness can be harder to maintain than in the previous few months. The changes and challenges that the new season brings can be easier to bear with a few common-sense tips that will help you keep your workplace cleaner.

Entrance Door Mats

Whether your workplace has hard floors, carpets, or tiles, it’s always beneficial to have floor mats at the entrance. Not everyone can avoid every trace of dirt, grass or fallen leaves as they make their way into the workplace however hard they might try. Even if people don’t actually stop to wipe their feet, that couple of steps on the door mats will absorb water, trap dirt, leaves, and debris that would otherwise be taken inside.

Regular Window Cleaning

It’s said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, so the last thing you want your customers’ and clients’ eyes to see are filthy dirty windows! Uncleaned windows will decrease the amount of light into your building, and when daylight hours are shortened anyway, this can cause a gloomy atmosphere; and a gloomy atmosphere will make for gloomy employees. Brighten the soul and let there be light!


As stated above, a dull and gloomy environment can have a detrimental effect on your workforce, not to mention other health and safety implications associated with a poorly lit office. Making sure your light fixtures and fittings are in good working order is essential during the months when there is less natural light. This includes making sure they’re clean too. Wash and dry any removeable parts making sure they’re clear of dust and dirt before reinstalling. Check all bulbs illuminate as they should.

Check your IT Equipment

Dust and lint can get trapped inside the workings of your PC, causing it to slow down and in some cases become noisy as the cooling fans struggle to do their job. Your keyboard is also a trap for food particles, dust, and other micro debris. A vacuum cleaner detail brush can help suck out the trapped bits before you sanitise with either anti-bac wipes or a soft cloth and anti-bac cleaning product.

Clean your Furniture

Remove any surface dirt from your office furniture; a stiff brush will do the job. This will prevent it being pushed further into the upholstery. Vacuum to remove any dust and then use an upholstery cleaning product to gently remove any stains and to give the fabric a good surface clean. For deeper stains and dirt, you may need to hire an industrial grade cleaning machine.


Even if they look clean, your carpets will be harbouring all kinds of dust, dirt, and germs. A professional clean every 6-12 months will stop the build up of grime and keep them looking newer for longer.

Air Quality

Doors and windows are kept shut more during the autumn and winter months, but this is not always good for air flow. Condensation can build, and a damp atmosphere can cause mould and other health compromising allergens. Get a flow of fresh air moving through the building at least once a day by opening windows, if only for a few minutes.

General Health

This is the time of year when we can see an increase in colds, flu, and other bugs and germs. In order to keep your staff safer and as healthy as possible, make an investment in a professional cleaning contractor. All other tips listed above can be undertaken by your cleaners, leaving you to run your business uninterrupted.


Our cleaners are conscientious, well-mannered and are able to work around the public without creating a disturbance, allowing them to clean your site during the day. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about trusting us with keys to your premises if you don’t wish to. Would you prefer your office, commercial building, factory, or medical centre was cleaned in the evening? That is also fine. Our team can provide cleaning services at your site day or night.

So, if you are looking for a trusted cleaning company who offer a consistent high quality service, contact us for a free no obligation quotation.

If you are a business owner, you’ll know how important it is to have your finger on the pulse! The major responsibilities any business faces need to be addressed and dealt with to ensure its smooth running and success. There are very few major issues or responsibilities that get overlooked, and so it may surprise you to learn that one of the most forgotten responsibilities is workplace cleanliness.

Cleanliness in the workplace isn’t just necessary for sanitary purposes, but also for the overall effect it has on employees’ productivity and their related projects.

For example, if we think about individual employees and their working areas, which of these 2 scenarios would you think was the most conducive to productivity?

Scenario 1

Employee X tidies their desk every evening before they leave work, clearing all washing up and personal items from the desk’s surface. The cleaning crew come in, and clean, dust and vacuum easily with minimum items to move. When the employee returns to work the next morning, they can see the care that has been taken with the cleaning, the décor is light and bright, and they take pride in keeping their surroundings clean and tidy. Office equipment is treated with respect and as it’s all cleaned regularly, is in good working order.

Scenario 2

Employee Y leaves washing up, drink spillages and crumbs over their desk. But it doesn’t matter as the cleaning crew will deal with it. Except the cleaners only come in once a week. But employee Y doesn’t really care, as the place is drab and uncared for and is in need of a lick of paint anyway. There is a lot of clutter in the workplace, and equipment is quite often lost as a result of lack of storage. Employee Y feels that it’s not their responsibility to tidy up, as nobody else bothers. They might just call in sick tomorrow anyway.

So, are you curious as to how a clean working environment can have such a big effect on how your employees perform? We’ve identified various ways in which a clean office can help get the best from your workforce.

Optimises Concentration

There is nothing worse than clutter to interrupt the brain function of your workforce. If there are messy desks and untidy surroundings, then it can be hard to concentrate. In order to keep your premises clean, the clutter needs to go!

Calm and clean surroundings will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your staff. Neutral décor and a few well-placed plants can also boost our mental wellbeing. Studies have shown that nurturing and caring for plants can reduce stress levels and decrease anxiety.

Renewed and improved focus will result in increased productivity so where your office is concerned, keep it clean!

Better Organisation

A well organised office space is a must if you are to keep productivity at an optimum. Misplaced files and lost equipment can cost you time and money. If your workplace is clean and organised then your staff will have no trouble in locating the tools of their trade, and there need be no interruption to business. There really is a lot to be said for ‘a place for everything, and everything in its place’!

Fewer Sick Days

One of the biggest ways in which workplace cleanliness helps promote productivity is by cutting down on staff sickness. If employees work in a clean environment, it stands to reason that the risk of them becoming ill through germ and bacteria transference is greatly reduced.

Regular cleaning carried out by trained operatives helps keep germs and harmful bacteria at bay. According to the Health and Safety Executive, during 2020/21, 93,000 workers suffering from Covid-19 believe they were exposed to the virus at work. As we know, the virus is airborne and so many of that number will have contracted it whether their workplace was clean or not. But for others, exposure via uncleaned surfaces will almost certainly have infected them.

Employees will have a positive mindset if they are starting their day in a fresh and clean environment.

Builds and Strengthens Morale

Whatever the size of your team, morale is an important factor in ensuring the smooth running of your company. Morale is often thought of in terms of incentives, rewards, team building activities and the like, but a crucial part of the whole picture is workplace cleanliness.

If you provide a clean and sanitary environment for your workforce, you might just find they’ll go the extra mile for you; a solid foundation for company morale will literally underpin your clean and tidy building.

Minimises stress

The majority of individuals thrive in a clean and tidy environment. Subjecting workers to carry out their daily tasks in dirty or unkempt surroundings will undoubtedly be detrimental to their physical and mental health. Poor physical health will lead to more sick days, and poor mental health (including stress and anxiety) could lead to a below par performance or ultimately, more sick days.

A clean office will lift the mood, improve health, and keep stress to a minimum.

Maximises Motivation

A major factor in productivity in your workplace will be the motivation of your employees. If there is a lack of motivation, then their work is going to suffer; the speed in which they carry out their tasks is likely to wane as will the quality.

Therefore, you should do everything possible to ensure your workforce are as motivated as they can be. Workplace cleanliness is key, as this will project a positive image and convey clear and conclusive evidence that, as an employer, you care.

Minimises the Risk of Accidents

Illness isn’t the only harm that can be done to your employees in a dirty and cluttered workplace. No matter how busy or fast paced your business is, the health and safety of your staff must be a priority. Slips, trips, and falls are more often than not caused by substances that have spilled onto floors and not been cleaned up. Walkways and corridors should be kept clear of debris and other hazards to avoid accidents. From the quietest office to the busiest factory, your duty of care to each and every staff member is imperative, and a clean and tidy work premises is a major factor in that.

Improves Staff Retention

No employer relishes the thought of a high turnover of staff. When employees leave after a relatively short time period it can create a ‘don’t care’ culture within the rest of the staff. Often, employers will need to drill down into why they cannot retain their staff. Of course, employees leave their jobs for a variety of reasons, but an unkempt and dirty working environment could well contribute. That ‘don’t care’ culture we mentioned might just stem from you!

Your business depends on quality employees; for the sake of retaining them and not ultimately losing money, keep it clean!

Encourages Care, and Attention to Detail

If you’d like your staff to care about the big things, then it stands to reason that care needs to start with the small details. From looking after company equipment to looking after themselves, a clean office can have such a positive impact! It can create an environment of responsibility and respectfulness which in turn leads to greater productivity. When your employees don’t need to worry about the cleanliness of their surroundings, they’ll be better motivated to take on the tasks of the day.

Would you like to boost productivity within your business?

Start with the obvious, and let the professionals take care of the cleaning! At Brightr, we are proud to be Northampton’s best reviewed, most trusted cleaning company. We offer professional, high quality office cleaning in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas. So, if you are looking for a trusted cleaning company who offer a consistent and high quality service, contact us for a free no obligation quotation.

If you’re an office worker, you’ll know how much time you spend sat at your desk on an office chair.  That’s why it’s essential that you have a chair that is comfortable, and adjustable so that you can get the right ‘fit’ for you. It also stands to reason that you’d want a chair that is stylish, one that fits in with the aesthetics of your office, and one that is clean and smells fresh.

If you’ve had your trusty chair for a while, you’ll also know that they can be susceptible to a few stains here and there, and that dust and grime can build up, as with any other parts of your office and workspace. You may have spilled some tea or coffee or dropped some lunch or a snack whilst eating at your desk. We would wipe up any spills on our desks, so how is it that we quite often leave them on fabrics, hoping that the colour will help disguise any tell-tale signs of accidental spillage?

The tops of backrests and the sides of the seat cushion can also be a hot spot for dirt and grime. Even if you have clean hands when you handle chairs, the natural oils from your fingers can be absorbed into the fabric, which can act like a magnet for dirt and dust particles in the air. In short, even the cleanest person can end up with the dirtiest of chairs!

Your office chairs often need a gentle but deep clean to get them looking new again. We’ve put together some cleaning tips to clean not just fabric office chairs, but other materials too.

Picking the Right Cleaning Products

Making sure you have the correct products and equipment to clean your chairs is key. Be careful not to use anything with a bleaching agent in it; a tough stain may be removed, but you could end up with your fabric looking patchy. Your basic kit should include:

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Clean water
  • Dry, clean cloths, preferably lint free
  • A water based fabric cleaning product
  • Washing up liquid (perfect as a degreaser)

With your products and equipment at the ready, you can begin:

How Do You Clean a Fabric Office Chair?

Cleaning Method for Fabric Office Chairs

To get a soiled office chair looking like new again, there are a few basic steps to follow.

  • It’s worth checking the manufacturer’s care instructions for the chair to see if there are any limitations on the kinds of cleaning solutions that can be used. If not, then you’re good to go!
  • Thoroughly vacuum the chair using a brush attachment to make sure that all loose debris and dust is removed.
  • Mix a solution of warm water and washing up liquid (just a few drops), take a clean cloth and submerge into the solution. Wring the cloth and rub gently onto the chair (try to avoid scrubbing; this could spoil the pile of the fabric) to lift any surface dirt and mild stains. Because washing up liquid is a detergent, it is excellent for trapping and lifting grease.
  • Stubborn stains might need a more stringent cleaning solution, and specialist fabric cleaners should take care of them. These will often come in spray or foam form. Apply directly to the stain and work into the fabric with a damp cloth. Work from the outside of the stain, rubbing gently inwards to ensure you’re not left with any tide marks. Rinse your cloth is clean water, wring and repeat until the stain has gone and there is no product residue left. Any product left on the fabric could potentially damage it.  Try not to ‘overload’ the fabric with too much water as the cushion padding will absorb it and extend the drying time unnecessarily.
  • Deal with spills as quickly as possible. Using an absorbent cloth or some kitchen towel, blot the spill until all the liquid is absorbed. If you act swiftly and use the water and washing up liquid method above, you’ll be able to avoid the stain setting in.

Cleaning Method for Plastic Office Chairs

Plastic is capable of taking a harsher cleaning product, so whatever your chosen cleaning solution, it can be applied liberally and even scrubbed, as long as there is no high gloss finish to the seat. Be careful with abrasive cleaning products, as these could also damage plastic surfaces. Rinse your cloth after application and wipe all remaining product residue away. Leave your chair to air dry and buff with a clean dry cloth.

Cleaning Method for Leather Office Chairs

Leather is an extremely durable material, and unlike fabric, can often have a ‘wipe clean’ quality.  If, however your leather chair is looking dirty then it may need some TLC. Be aware that leather can dry out and crack if it is not properly cared for, so take advice from the manufacturer about feeding it correctly.

Although stains on leather can generally be wiped off, it can still absorb a certain amount of moisture, so caution should be exercised. Suede and nubuck aren’t as stain repellent as normal leather, so again refer to the manufacturer for cleaning instructions.

Assuming there are no special care instructions for your leather chair, then the best non-commercial method is to use a damp cloth and a ph. neutral soap bar. Rub the soap bar onto the damp cloth and then apply in circular motions onto the leather until the dirt and any stains lift. Repeat until the whole chair surface is covered. Rinse your cloth in clean water and wipe down the chair until there is no soap residue left.

When the chair is dry, a specialist leather ‘clean and feed’ or conditioning solution can be applied, ensuring your leather upholstery stays soft and supple. Avoid leaving leather products in direct sunlight, as this could lead to them drying out and cracking.


By following these cleaning tips, you should be able to deal with most stains and dirt build up reasonably easily. Keeping your chairs clean and dirt free will help give them longevity as well as projecting a positive impression to any clients or visitors to your office or business. One last point – don’t forget chair legs or the base. Most of these will be made of plastic or metal, and should wipe clean with either soapy water or a spray cleaner.

If, however you’d prefer to leave it to the professionals, your office cleaning service provider will have the knowledge and expertise (as well as access to commercial products and equipment) to do it for you.

Here at Brightr, we have a broad range of cleaning services and are happy to provide a no obligation quote upon request. Get in touch with us today!

Over the last couple of years, we’ve all been cleaner; hand hygiene has never been better, and incidences of food poisoning plummeted because there were far less germs spreading from hand to mouth. More of us took care if we coughed or sneezed, making sure we sanitised our hands after an episode. We all took better care when cleaning at home, making sure we used anti-bacterial cleaning products and stopping as much cross infection as we could. But is that where our care stopped?

After restrictions had lifted and we were allowed to return to our workplaces, how many of us thought about cleanliness in the office? It is not perhaps something we gave much thought to outside of our own personal workspaces. After all, you would assume that if you are following cleanliness protocols, then everyone else would be too.

On the whole, we are living in a cleaner, more sterile environment, both at home and at work but as more of the population become infected with Covid (and some re-infected) sometimes cleanliness standards can slip, as many people are under the misapprehension that they are now immune from the virus. If Covid has taught us anything, it is that viruses spread quickly and that they can infect anyone, particularly the vulnerable. So, whether we are worried about Covid or not, the fact is that germs and bacteria and non-Covid viruses are present everywhere even if we think we’ve been stringent in our cleaning and disinfection processes.

But it’s at work that we are more susceptible to the exposure of viruses, colds and flu, due to the number of people we come into contact with on a daily basis. Busy workplaces with a high number of employees can be hotbeds for germs, and unless stringent and regular cleaning and disinfection is carried out, employers can find half the workforce wiped out with the outbreak of just one illness.

Over the years, there have been many studies carried out to find out where the hotspots are regarding germs and bacteria. In essence people want to know what the dirtiest areas in the office are. We could all jump to the conclusion that the toilets would be number 1 on the dirty list, and although they do feature very heavily, they aren’t necessarily the dirtiest. Perhaps we should take a closer look at the people that use them! Those that don’t wash their hands after a visit are transferring germs onto surfaces and equipment, which then breed and spread through contact with other people.

So, what are the dirtiest areas in the office? We’ve put together a list of potential hotspots for you to look out for:


Be they vending machine buttons, elevator buttons or buttons on phones, IT equipment, photocopiers, and water coolers, some of the dirtiest and germ infested places you’ll find in the office are the buttons. To put it into perspective, the average toilet seat has around 3,000 colony forming germs per square inch. Constant touching by several users can see buttons of all descriptions house over a billion! We’re almost certain this statistic will have you reaching for the hand sanitiser!

Regular sanitisation of all frequently used touch points could see this number diminish, but it would require several cleanings throughout the day to be completely effective.

Pens and Pencils

How many of your pens actually stay on your desk or in your own personal workspace? They can be ‘borrowed’ and passed around person to person with little regard for hygiene. Yet when you think about how many people could transfer germs from other office hotspots onto your own personal stationery, we’re certain that you’ll be reaching for that sanitiser again…

The Kettle

Who doesn’t love a mid-morning cuppa? But the kettle, and in particular the handle, can harbour all manner of germs. Of course, there can be a more visible sign of the amount of usage, as dirt can build up too. But it’s always best to be on the clean side and give a regular wipe down before the visible dirt can be seen.

The Kitchen Sink

An accumulation of all kinds of bacteria, germs and general dirtiness builds up really quickly in the kitchen sink. The amount of washing up generated in even the most modest of offices can be staggering. If it’s not dealt with promptly, the tea and coffee slops in the bottom of mugs and food dried on to plates and cutlery can breed mould spores in a matter of days. Because of all the germs on unwashed hands, the tap can be a hotbed for infections too! Get a system in place whereby staff wash their utensils in a timely manner to avoid any nasty bacteria making the workforce poorly.

Of course, we must give a special mention washing up sponges – bacteria love warm and damp conditions. It doesn’t take a scientist to work out that there will be millions of germs festering within those, especially when you consider all the food and drink particles that aren’t rinsed off.


We all know that our computer keyboards and mouse are rife with germs, but less thought is given to the surfaces of our desks. Our hands and wrists rest on our desks frequently and can contain millions of different bacteria. Couple that with airborne germs (coughs and sneezes) that land there and you won’t be surprised to know that the average desk houses over 400 times the number of bacteria than the office toilet seats.

Hand Sanitiser

Yes, you have read that correctly. Although many of us have used hand sanitiser for a long time, the pandemic has seen it become a permanent fixture in all workplaces.

Of course, the hand sanitising gel itself kills off bacteria and viruses, but it’s the germ laden hands that touch the bottles containing the gel that are the problem. How many of us would think to sanitise the sanitiser?


The best way to make sure your workplace is clean as well as sanitary, is to engage the services of a professional cleaning contractor. They’ll provide you with a schedule of cleaning tailored to your premises and requirements. Here at Brightr, our cleaners are conscientious, well-mannered and can work around the public without creating a disturbance, allowing them to clean your site during the day. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about trusting us with keys to your premises if you don’t wish to. But if you’d prefer your office, commercial building, factory, or medical centre was cleaned in the evening then we can accommodate that too. Our team can provide cleaning services at your site day or night. So, if you are looking for a trusted cleaning company who offer a consistent high quality service, contact us for a free no obligation quotation.

As we go into a much more relaxed phase of the pandemic, it’s still vitally important to keep any accessible part of your business clean and tidy. With the risk of spreading and contracting any type of virus, not least Covid-19, this poses separate challenges for cleaning operatives and demands extra attention to that of an individual office workstation.

Communal areas within a business are such places as reception areas, corridors and stairwells, toilets and washing facilities, and kitchens, canteens, and staffrooms. These areas differ greatly according to the type of business, but common considerations are:

  • The amount of footfall; there is likely to be far more traffic than individual areas.
  • Lack of responsibility; these areas are often overlooked when assigning responsibility for cleanliness and cleaning.
  • The germ factor; with more people using communal areas, the risks of infection are far higher and are hotspots for breeding germs.

So how can communal cleaning be streamlined to ensure a smooth and safe process? Here are some considerations to bear in mind when cleaning communal areas within any type of premises:

Tackling Touch Points

As stated already, communal areas are a breeding ground for all kinds of germs, viruses, and bacteria simply because of the amount of people passing through every day. But toilets and washrooms really do need regular cleaning; daily, if possible, because they are probably the most frequently used in the entire building. Although reception areas have their fair share of visitors, most staff will use the bathrooms at least twice a day, if not more.

Touch point cleaning isn’t restricted to the loos though! These are the places that are touched frequently although you wouldn’t necessarily think they’re unclean, and can include:

  • Keys
  • Doorknobs and handles
  • Remote controls
  • Phones
  • Keyboards and other IT equipment
  • Light switches
  • Plugs and electric sockets
  • Counter tops and desks
  • Kitchen appliance handles
  • Bannisters and handrails
  • Lift buttons

All of these need regular cleaning and disinfecting to avoid spreading germs and bacteria around your premises.


There needs to be a system in place to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene standards needed within a business are met. The simplest way to achieve this would be to engage the services of a professional cleaning contractor; they will have expert knowledge in cleaning as well as access to professional grade equipment and products.

However, if you employ a cleaning service who only visit once or twice a week, then there need to be guidelines about the level of cleanliness in between visits, and processes in place where employees can report issues when they see them.

Delegate Responsibility

Communal areas can often fall into ‘no man’s land’ with no one person being responsible for their upkeep. Standards can slip, issues can go unreported, and supplies can run out with nobody overseeing them.

Most employees are happy to take responsibility for keeping their own personal office space clean and tidy, but when so many people use communal areas, there needs to be a nominated person that will undertake daily monitoring. Furthermore, a reporting system enables issues to be dealt with, ensuring standards are maintained.

This doesn’t mean that the maintenance of communal areas should fall solely on that person’s shoulders though. You may have many areas which could be delegated to staff, putting one person in charge of each. This will ensure the monitoring of every part of your premises by several different staff members.

But when all is said and done, when it comes to keeping your workplace clean and sanitary, our best advice is to hire the professionals.  If you are looking for a trusted cleaning company who offer a consistently high quality service, contact us for a free no obligation quotation.

In basic terms, a commercial cleaning company does exactly what its title suggests. Commercial cleaning services are engaged by a myriad of business types and sectors to take care of the daily or weekly cleaning requirements at their premises. The type and size of the contracts that commercial cleaners take on can differ depending on the capabilities of the contractor, and how many employees they have.

What type of businesses employ commercial cleaners?

The term ‘Commercial Cleaning’ covers a wide and varied programme of cleaning tasks and most of these are needed for businesses such as:

  • Offices and office buildings
  • Shops, shopping centres and retail outlets
  • Factories
  • Warehouses
  • Hotels and Hospitality
  • Pubs, Restaurants and Bars
  • Schools, Colleges, and Universities
  • Medical Centres and Doctors Surgeries
  • Dentist Surgeries
  • Hospitals
  • Gyms and Leisure Centres
  • Residential Homes

What type of services do commercial cleaners provide?

A contract cleaner will have specific expertise and knowledge about how to undertake many cleaning tasks using the correct machinery and products. A commercial cleaning contract includes but is not limited to:

  • General office and business cleaning
  • CQC (Care Quality Commission regulated cleaning)
  • Floor, carpet, upholstery, and soft furnishing cleaning
  • Window cleaning
  • Kitchen, canteen, food prep area cleaning
  • Toilet, changing room and bathroom cleaning
  • Rubbish and waste removal
  • Janitorial and consumables services

More specific commercial cleaning tasks include but are not limited to:

  • Regular window cleaning
  • Frequent IT equipment cleaning (phones, keyboards, tills etc)
  • Frequent touch point cleaning (door handles, light switches etc)
  • Periodic Carpet cleaning and/or hard floor maintenance
  • Frequent kitchen and bathroom cleaning
  • Janitorial and consumables service

Of course, over the last two years there has been a dominant threat to the health and safety of not just our nation, but the whole world. The emergence of Covid-19 forced businesses to take extra measures with cleaning and disinfecting in order that they could operate safely once restrictions had been relaxed.

Although thankfully today the threat of Covid isn’t the horror story it was two years ago, we need to remember that we are still in a pandemic. Scientists have agreed that the Covid-19 pandemic will end at some point and become an epidemic, but this means that the virus will never be eliminated completely. Immunity will continue to rise through vaccination and previous infection, therefore new infections will arise at a consistently lower level.

Nevertheless, employer, employee and customer safety must come first, and the advantages of disinfecting and cleaning reach beyond eliminating any potential Covid infection. Regular and professional disinfection can help lessen the risk of spread of Covid-19 and its potential variants, which is why most professional cleaning contractors have added Covid Cleaning to their schedule of services.

Why should you engage the services of a professional commercial cleaning contractor? 

Gone are the days when it’s sensible to try and keep business cleaning in-house. The fast pace of business today means that cleaning tasks can seem less important than other matters at hand, and often even the most basic of those are pushed back and sometimes forgotten completely.

There are many reasons why a professional cleaning contractor can enhance your business, and not just aesthetically.

They have experience – Your contractor is expert in looking after the cleanliness and hygiene of all types of commercial premises. They have first-hand knowledge in this field and when you hire them, they will know your exacting requirements.  They can tailor their service to deliver the best possible schedule of cleaning to you.

Time management – As discussed above, a busy office or business leaves very little time for cleaning. Your staff are hired for a specific role and may not consider cleaning to be part of that. Besides, when you think about things in terms of productivity, an hour spent working on their professional job will make the business money whereas an hour spent cleaning will not. By hiring a professional cleaning company, the cleaning of your premises will be carried out regardless of how busy things become.

Project a positive image It can often be underestimated just how much a clean and sanitary workplace can enhance your reputation. Likewise, a dirty and unwelcoming premises can project a negative image, which you really don’t want! Having your building sparkling from entry will leave a positive and lasting impression on your staff, visitors, clients, and customers which in turn will help to boost your company’s public profile.

No expensive cleaning equipment – When we think of cleaning equipment, we are not always prepared for the list of items needed to carry out the basics, let alone deep cleans and periodicals. Do you have the storage space to house everything needed? Vacuum cleaners can be cumbersome machines, and if you have hard floors which need regular maintenance or carpets that require frequent cleaning then storing the machines needed for these tasks might be impossible.

Your cleaning contractor will bring all the equipment and products needed if it is written into your contract. Sometimes, domestic grade cleaning products and equipment are not adequate in a commercial setting and your contractor will have access to more heavy duty or professional grade products. You need not worry about supplies and storage as it will all be taken care of, leaving you free to run your business.

Prevent the spread of infection – Regular and thorough cleaning will help to halt the spread of any potential infection. Germs and bacteria can survive on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours, which isn’t good news if there are a few days between cleans. Shared equipment can also transfer germs between employees so regular disinfection is essential.

Since the emergence of Covid-19, sick employees are less likely to ‘battle through’ illness by coming to work; working from home has enabled many to carry on working without putting their colleagues in harm’s way. Sadly, the incubation period for some viruses happens days before symptoms start to show, so by the time somebody falls sick they could have potentially infected countless other employees. Regular cleaning can lessen the risk even if it doesn’t eliminate it completely.

Peace of Mind – Feeling relaxed is important for you when you hand over responsibility of any part of your business. Having peace of mind that each member of your cleaning team will have been fully vetted is paramount; this ensures that only honest, trustworthy, and reliable operatives will be working on your site. If your cleaning contract is out of office hours, it is vital that you have trust in your chosen provider.

Another point to consider is whether the productivity of the cleaning contractor matches the number of hours you employ them for. Here at Brightr, we are completely transparent in our processes at point of quotation. In fact, we possess some very intelligent software into which we input the dimensions of the premises in question (the database parameters adjust accordingly) plus floor types, number of toilets, food and drink prep areas, and any other relevant information. The software then accurately calculates the number of cleaning hours needed, which reassures our clients that they will never overpay for the service provided and gives them complete peace of mind.

Ad-hoc Services – If you need any additional services, these can be discussed with your supplier. Most contractors will offer an end of tenancy or pre tenancy cleaning service if you are moving to new premises and some will include exterior services such as gutter cleaning, pressure washing and graffiti removal on an ad-hoc basis.



The cleaning of one commercial premises or site compared to another may require different skills, equipment, and processes. A deep clean may be required periodically or you may have additional facilities with security risks attached such as a pharmacy in a supermarket or machinery in a factory. This is where Brightr Ltd can help with our one-off solutions and ongoing contracts.

Our team of cleaners are expertly trained to deal with the differing requirements which can be presented to them when carrying out commercial cleaning services. After an initial visit from one of our supervisors, we will recommend how often our cleaners should visit, how often they should clean particular areas and how often a deep clean may be needed. We won’t duplicate an existing contract as we want to make sure you get exactly what you need from our services.

Each of our cleaners are fully qualified and will arrive badged and uniformed so you can easily identify them whilst they are on your site. They are also required to provide us with two references before becoming members of our team so you can be assured that you are getting reliable and trustworthy individuals who have been thoroughly vetted.


If you’d like a no obligation quote or would like to discuss your requirements, we’d be happy to speak to you. Give us a call on 01604 556677 or click here to read about our commercial cleaning services.

The cleaning sector in the UK has seen considerable growth in recent years and continues to grow. Companies and individuals alike have become far more aware of the threat of infection caused by bacteria and germ transference, particularly in the workplace. A greater emphasis has been put on the need for cleaning and sanitising, and more so in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.

More business sectors than ever before require cleaners, so the demand for Commercial Cleaning Services is continually increasing. Hospitals, surgeries, hotels, warehousing, pubs and restaurants, sports centres, factories, and offices, to name a few, all hire the services of cleaning contractors. Even small offices that would normally keep their cleaning in house now realise the importance of hiring a professional; contract cleaners have expertise, as well as access to industrial grade cleaning machinery and products that domestic or individual cleaners do not.

So, what is the average cost for office cleaning in the UK? Perhaps not as expensive as you might expect. Your geographical location will obviously play a part, as will the type of company you engage and the services you require. As you read through, we will explore the different services under the commercial cleaning umbrella and the costs associated.

What is Commercial Cleaning?

Commercial cleaning is the term used for non-domestic cleaning which is carried out at a business’ premises. Companies that need cleaning services will hire a Commercial Cleaning Contractor. There is a huge difference between domestic cleaning and commercial cleaning. As stated earlier, contract cleaners have specific expertise and can undertake many cleaning tasks using the correct machinery and products, some of which are chemical and may require a knowledge of COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health). Unlike domestic cleaning, commercial cleaners may need to use different products and equipment for different parts of a building.

Commercial Cleaning can also cover a broad range of services, such as:

  • General office and business cleaning
  • Floor, carpet, upholstery, and soft furnishing cleaning
  • Window cleaning
  • Kitchen, canteen, food prep area cleaning
  • Toilet, changing room and bathroom cleaning
  • Rubbish and waste removal
  • Janitorial and consumables services

More specific office cleaning services include:

  • Daily or weekly general office cleaning
  • Regular window cleaning
  • Frequent IT equipment cleaning (phones, keyboards etc)
  • Frequent touch point cleaning (door handles, light switches etc)
  • Periodic Carpet cleaning and/or hard floor maintenance
  • Frequent kitchen and bathroom cleaning
  • Janitorial and consumables service

Hiring a commercial cleaning contractor gives your business peace of mind, as they will have liability insurance which means that you, your company, they, and their company are covered for any eventuality. They may also have health and safety accreditations, which means that they have extra knowledge about how to ensure safety in the workplace and are aware of hazards and dangers that could cause issues.

When thinking of hiring any kind of external service, it’s important to do some research on possible candidates and try and obtain several quotes. Be aware that a low quote might not give you the high level of cleaning that you desire.

What Can You Expect from a Commercial Cleaning Service?

When arranging quotes for your cleaning requirements, you need to decide exactly what you need; how often will you require services, and exactly which services you want. Some cleaning companies operate on a minimum number of hours per week, so be realistic about your requirements as you don’t want to be in a position where you are forced to overpay. Likewise, undercalculating the number of hours you need could see you with only half of your premises cleaned! Prospective cleaning companies will advise you of the number of hours needed when they survey your site during the quotation process.

In order to keep your business clean and tidy, weekly general cleaning services are a minimum. Kitchen, toilet, canteen, and other food prep areas should be cleaned daily.

Consider how often you would like carpets cleaned, and any hard floors which require specialist attention and maintenance. Window cleaning can be periodic, although many people choose to clean the outside of the windows at more regular intervals than the insides.

When your shortlist of contractors come to quote for you, talk through your requirements and discuss each aspect. For example, there may be certain areas within your premises that are used infrequently, and so require less cleaning. There may also be areas that are high traffic and prone to dirt build up which your contractor will need to be made aware of. You might also want certain areas sterilised rather than just a basic clean. Talk to them about workplace hygiene, which will also keep your staff safe as this applies to all types of workplaces, not just those involved in handling food and personal products.

Here is what should be done between an employer and cleaning contractor to ensure that workplace hygiene is maintained:

  • Implement a hygiene policy

Issue staff with a written hygiene policy setting out your intentions and expectations of a clean workplace. This ensures your staff know that you take workplace hygiene seriously.

  • Provide a clean toilets and washrooms

It is crucial for a hygienic workplace to have clean toilet and handwashing facilities. Make sure that the bathroom is well stocked with soap, toilet paper and hand towels and sanitiser as necessary.

  • Provide clean wipes, sanitiser and tissues

Provide items such as these to help your staff maintain a clean and hygienic workspace. Shared equipment can harbour germs and bacteria, and employees are more likely to use such items to clean up after themselves if they are readily available.

  • Regular cleaning

Make sure your workplace is regularly cleaned. This helps prevent the spread of infection, and clean surroundings also help to maintain morale and project a sense of professionalism.


Some cleaning contractors will provide you with a list of services which they undertake, along with prices for those services, but a more common practice is for them to give you a price per hour, day, week, or month. This price should include any tasks within the cleaning remit, but may exclude machine hire for specialist jobs, and cleaning products for those jobs. Some contracts can include cleaning materials, but some exclude them in which case you would be responsible for sourcing and maintaining the supply of products. A busy business owner may not have time for this, and so more companies prefer to leave the supply of cleaning and janitorial products to their contractor.

You may be asked by your prospective contractor to commit to a minimum term when you take them on. Contracts like these are usually for between 6 and 12 months and will require both sides to give at least a month’s notice to quit. This is standard practice and protects both client and contractor alike.

After you have asked any questions and had any queries answered, there will be a contract created between both parties, which may require a deposit to be paid. You will then receive a start date and services will commence.

Typical Office Cleaning Costs

Office cleaning costs can vary; there is no exact science. Depending on the cleaning contractor you choose, and the geographical location of your business, the rates that you could pay can be very different.

Commercial and office cleaning rates per hour based on location

Area Typical Rate
North of England and Scotland £12 – £15 per hour
London £15 – £25 per hour
South and East of England £15 – £20 per hour
Wales £12 – £20 per hour

Evening and weekend cleaning can be more expensive due to the unsociable hours needed, but this is down to the discretion of the contractor.

Some cleaning contractors find it easier to charge by size (square footage or meterage), rather than by man hours. This is generally for larger premises but can be scaled down to suit your building and budget. Obviously, the cost will rise depending on the size of your building because of the duration of time taken to clean it as well as factoring in materials and cleaning supplies, and the number of cleaning crew members. Below are the typical rates you can expect to pay each month based on the size of your workplace. These rates are an average and can vary depending on your geographical location.

Commercial and office cleaning rates per square foot, per month

Total Square Footage Average Cost
500 – 3,000 £195 – £500
3,000 – 6,000 £500 – £800
6,000 – 10,000 £800 – £1300


How long does it take to clean an office?

The amount of time taken for Office cleaning will always depend on its size and the volume of people occupying it. If the workforce is small each task might not need to be done every day. But if footfall is high then the likelihood is that most areas will need regular cleaning. Take into account the number of toilets and hand basins in the bathroom, whether your work premises has food preparation areas etc. As a rule of thumb though, the table below averages out the man hours needed for general office cleaning.

Commercial and office cleaning hours per square foot, per week

Total Square Footage Number of Man Hours Frequency of Cleaning
1,000 1 1-2
2,000 – 4,000 2 3-5
5,000 – 7,000 3 5


Factors Which may Affect the Cost of your Commercial Cleaning

There are of course other factors to consider which will affect the overall price that you pay for your commercial cleaning service.

Cleaning Intensity

The amount of labour will differ depending on the intensity of the cleaning required. Routine cleaning can be assessed easily, but deeper cleans are far more time consuming and need further consideration when you ask for quotes.

Cleaning materials and equipment

As we continue living in the wake of the pandemic, more stringent practices regarding the use of cleaning materials need to be observed. It is no longer acceptable to use a single cleaning cloth for each room or a single mop for each hard floor. More potent cleaning products might be needed to cope with levels of infection and virus.


If your premises is in a high density town area, or a remote rural area, costs could be higher due to the fact that cleaning staff could find it difficult to reach your business in a given amount of time. There may be a premium to account for travel time and cost.

Specialised Cleaning Services

There may be areas in your workplace that require more specialised cleaning, such as carpets, upholstery, and soft furnishings. This will always be more expensive than general cleaning because of the machinery and products needed.

Ensure You Get the Right Professional Fit

It’s a good idea to put together a kind of checklist to ensure you get a contractor that you not only feel comfortable with, but one that is trustworthy and the right fit for your company.

Make sure you ask for

  • A written quote. This will include exactly which cleaning jobs you are paying for, the cost of materials if relevant and the number of operatives and hours they’ll supply.
  • It’s always best to check references from previous or current clients to make sure that you’re dealing with a reputable contractor.
  • Always ask to see proof of liability insurance so that you (and they) are covered in the event of accident or incident.

Unfortunately, not all cleaning companies are as reliable and trustworthy as they first seem. Sometimes you could end up with a careless cleaner and an unprofessional clean. Where a CQC standard is also required, this could leave your premises at risk of immediate closure. At Brightr we are proud to be Northampton’s best reviewed, most trusted cleaning company. We also offer professional, high quality office cleaning in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas.

Our cleaners must provide us with two references, undergo a rigorous training program, and agree to close supervision of their cleaning. With this process, we can guarantee cleaning services of the highest possible standard. Each of our team are uniformed and badged so that you are able to easily identify when they are visiting.

Our cleaners are conscientious, well-mannered and can work around the public without creating a disturbance, allowing them to clean your site during the day which eliminates the need to entrust us with keys to your premise. If you prefer your premises to be cleaned in the evening our team can provide cleaning services at a time to suit you.

If you are looking for a trusted cleaning company who offer a consistently high quality service, contact us for a free no obligation quotation.

In 2022 we are all feeling the pinch. The pandemic has hit many businesses hard and lots of us are trying to find ways to recoup our losses and recover costs where we can. It’s always a good idea to have a good look at your spending and see where you can make cuts. But you have to do it mindfully and make sure you are not cutting essential services or giving yourself more of a headache than you need to.

Offices need cleaning. There’s no getting away from it. Not only do you need to present well for any potential and ongoing customers, but you must protect the health and safety of your staff too. Studies show that offices that are cleaned well regularly have lower instances of staff sickness and better mental wellbeing for employees overall. So, we know the cleaning needs to be done, but with the current economic climate you might be considering whether it would be cheaper to do the cleaning yourself.

Let’s look at it . . .

Type of Cleaning Cost per hour
Low £15-£25
Medium £30-£40
High £70-£150


The above detail looks at typical price ranges for commercial cleaners. The amount that your cleaning costs you with a commercial cleaning company will depend on what your needs are. Most offices find that they fall within the low needs bracket. If regular cleaning is maintained then grime is not building up so there’s rarely a need for any deep cleaning services, just regular upkeep. The size of your office space will be a factor, because obviously the bigger the office the longer it takes to clean. How much equipment you have that requires cleaning will make a difference too. You might want to get a deep clean done annually, or as a one off to start if your office hasn’t been properly cleaned in a while.

A good commercial cleaning company will come out to do a quote for you, assess what your needs are and come to an agreement with you about how to move forward. You should make sure they measure your office or give them some plans.

Commercial cleaning companies will bring their own equipment and cleaning supplies. They also obviously do this professionally, so they’ll be fully up to date on the deeper cleaning methods and processes required to keep us all Covid safe.

To assess whether or not it would be cost effective to take on your own cleaning let’s take a look at a typical case.

  • Medium office (employing 20-30 people)

These can usually be cleaned professionally in 2-3 hours per day with just one cleaner. This should be completed at an estimated cost of £150-£225 per week.

If you were to complete this cleaning yourself, firstly you need to remember that that’s 10-15 hours of an employed cleaner costing £100-£150 per week. You need to take time out of your working day, to manage the cleaning meaning you’re not spending time doing what you’re good at. Plus there are administration costs, employers NI (possibly), payroll, insurance and holiday cover. If it’s more than your cleaning would cost with a commercial company, then you’ve already made a loss before you’ve started. On top of that, you’ll need to buy your own cleaning equipment and products.

How much is cleaning equipment for regular office cleaning?

You’ll need to purchase equipment and products that will need to be replaced at different times. We’ve put together a list of estimated costs below. This is based on the small office we mentioned above.

  • Broom: £10 – replaced 6 monthly
  • Mops, rags, and sponges: £15 – replaced monthly and washed after each use
  • Dusting supplies: £15 – replaced monthly
  • Cleaning and washing detergents: £20 per month
  • Paper towels and cleaning wipes: £45 per month
  • Trash bags: £30 per month

Based on the above list, cleaning supplies alone will cost you an average of £125 per month. Let’s add to that a fairly low estimate of £30 an hour for your time.

If you spend 2 hours a week, or 8 hours a month managing cleaning at your office – that’s £240 for your time, plus £750 inc holiday cover and overhead for the cleaner, plus £125 for equipment and supplies. Cleaning your office yourself just cost you £1115 a month. And a commercial cleaning company will cost you £975, even at the higher end of the price bracket.

So, it’s quite clear from these calculations, that cleaning your own offices really isn’t cost effective at all. It’s also a major hassle. It’s definitely at least worth gathering some quotes and you can actually save yourself as much as 40% on costs by shopping around. For larger offices the costs will be higher, but so will the cost of your time and supplies be if doing it yourself.

We’d be more than happy to assist you with all your commercial cleaning needs. Please do give us a call and we’ll come out to see you for a free, no obligation quote.

The Winter months can seem long even though the days are short, but as they lengthen, and the weather starts to become milder we can focus our thoughts on Spring. After all, it’s officially only just over a month away and many businesses will be looking to have a bit of a spring clean.

How you manage your office space can greatly impact the health and wellbeing of your staff, so if they have clean and safe surroundings, then they’re likely to perform well in their jobs, and productivity will be high. So, if you’re looking to reach your business goals, you can do worse than start with the basics.

In the last couple of years, the cleaning industry has had to adapt and change in order to keep up with new cleaning trends as client needs have continued to shift. So now is the time to reflect on what has worked in the past and to develop strategies to make sure you continue to improve.

Below are 3 simple ways to take your business forward:


Does the design and layout of your office space create an efficient workflow or is it just chaotic? It’s important to evaluate how your space works as this can have a direct impact on how your staff perform.

Spring is a perfect time to clear some clutter and streamline the flow in your workplace. Rearranging desks and other furniture can transform a space if positioned in a simplified configuration. Keeping desks free of files and papers makes cleaning much easier to tackle. Introducing new policies and procedures will help keep the office running smoothly going forward.

Work Green

Removing harmful chemicals from the environment and reducing your company’s carbon footprint is the start of going green!

If you’d like your business to be cleaner and greener, look for ways to implement environmentally friendly practices like recycling, moving all paperwork to the cloud, reducing printing, and even encouraging your colleagues to lift share to and from work. Updating some of your tech will help reduce energy bills, as newer models require less electricity.

Ask your Cleaning Contractor about switching to natural or environmentally friendly cleaning products to further help reduce your footprint.

Trust your Contract Cleaner

When change is afoot, we can all be nervous or hesitant, and although we may start out with good intentions, sometimes it’s hard to stick to a new rule when you have other more pressing duties to perform.

Your cleaning schedule may only need a small tweak, or perhaps it requires a complete overhaul. But if you trust in a professional cleaning contractor, the burden of change will not be a burden after all! They will produce a schedule of cleaning for you to make sure that every cleaning task is undertaken.


So, if you are looking for a trusted cleaning company who offer a consistent high quality service, contact us for a free no obligation quotation.

We have been warned by the government that the pandemic is not over; with unpredictable outbreaks occurring and new variants like Omicron emerging we are still very much in a pandemic. On a more optimistic note, scientists have agreed that the Covid-19 pandemic will end at some point and become an epidemic. This means that the likelihood of the virus being eliminated completely is very slim, but as more people are fully vaccinated, infections will arise at a consistently lower level. It is likely that Covid infections will become seasonal, much like flu.  

With the emergence of new variants, it seems that each one is more infectious than the one before. This can put a strain on companies whose cleaning regimes are already stretched, as disinfection of workplaces need to be carried out with every new positive case. 

But employee and customer safety must come first, and the advantages of disinfecting and cleaning reach beyond eliminating any potential Covid infection.  


With so many regulations surrounding Coronavirus, routine and thorough cleaning by a professional cleaning contractor presents an opportunity to prove compliance; if ever there are any issues raised there will be a record of cleaning practices. 

Customer Confidence 

Customers and clients as well as employees need to feel safe and secure in their surroundings. It is important to ensure that every person entering your premises is aware of the cleaning and disinfection routine, giving them the peace of mind and confidence that every effort has been made to protect their health and safety. 


Employee satisfaction can impact heavily on productivity. Whichever sector you’re in, employees focus more when they’re confident about the safety of their workplace. It is an employer’s duty of care to ensure the wellbeing of all staff, and thorough disinfection and cleaning can play a major role in that. 

Preventative Measures 

Regular and professional disinfection can help lessen the risk of spread of Covid-19, providing employees are following protocols set out to them. A professional cleaning contractor can undertake a more ‘advanced’ type of cleaning where professional grade equipment and products are used. They are trained to clean the often overlooked or hard to clean areas, ensuring every part of your building is sanitised and safe. 

Positive Cases 

If a Coronavirus Covid-19 case is confirmed, then decontamination and sanitisation is of the utmost importance to ensure safety of others. Brightr have experienced teams that can provide deep cleaning services for your offices, warehouses, schools, and surgeries. 

Here at Brightr, our team is equipped with specialised cleaning equipment such as steam cleaners and fogging machines. The team will wear full PPE. Our deep cleaning sanitisation process includes Viricidal sanitising to all surfaces of your office, focusing on touch points, all handles, furniture, desks, computers, doors, floors, kitchens, and toilets. For complete infection control, viricidal sanitisation will be followed by the application of a chlorine -based cleaning solution. 


If you’d like further information about any of our services you can contact us here.