We’re living in a time that is completely unprecedented. The Coronavirus pandemic has left almost every country across the globe in severe financial debt and uncertainty, and we’re certainly not immune here in the UK. With the government’s plan on restarting the economy imminent, employers are wondering how they can safely invite their employees back to work at a time when some believe a ‘second wave’ could see the country introduce more severe lockdown restrictions.
COVID-19 has transformed our lives in a way we never even imagined. The impact on businesses has been immense with almost all business meetings and negotiations taking place online.
So what will happen when employees do go back to their offices? Our habits have already changed to a degree, and these are likely to continue in the months ahead. Until a vaccine is available, the way in which we live right now is likely to be our new normal. So it stands to reason that we’ll be increasingly reliant on touch free technology, and social distancing will need to be enforced at all times. This may be easier for smaller businesses, as the days of cramming hundreds of people into open plan office blocks could well be a thing of the past.
For those that have the square footage to offer social distancing, there is no reason why business shouldn’t carry on, as long as key rules are adhered to:
Non cluster workspaces
Sharing desk space could leave a lot of people feeling nervous, so reconfiguring work areas could help. Hold virtual meetings where possible, and make everyone responsible for their own refreshments etc.
If you can, stagger your workforce; allow different people different work from home days, so that your office is at a limited capacity.
Limit tool sharing
To avoid the transmission of the disease, avoid shared use of equipment within your setting. Devices are touched frequently throughout the day so should not be shared unless they are completely disinfected between uses.
Practice frequent hygiene and cleaning protocols
Now more than ever, employee health is dependent on a clean, safe work environment. As this is an employer’s duty of care, cleaning protocols need to be put into place, as do regular personal hygiene measures. Provide disinfectant wipes so that each person can be responsible for the cleaning of their own equipment, and insist on regular handwashing.
Investing in regular contract cleaning will also combat the spread of the virus which could be present on some hard surfaces for up to 72 hours if left unchecked.
Here at Brightr we have a team dedicated to intensive deep cleaning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Full PPE is worn, and strict cleaning procedures are put into place using hospital grade products.
You can find out more information about our full methodology by clicking the link above.