The Less Obvious Benefits of Engaging a Professional Cleaning Contractor

When hiring a cleaning contractor, there are a number of stand out reasons to do so; you want your premises to be clean and hygienic and you don’t want the responsibility of overseeing cleaning personally, to name a couple. What many business owners don’t perhaps think about are the less obvious benefits of hiring a professional cleaning contractor. We’ve put together our favourites to give you some food for thought!

  • You’ll enjoy a calmer and more tranquil working environment

Stress in the workplace is very common, and it’s not always just down to the job. It’s a known fact that mess and clutter have an impact on stress levels. Your premises may well be clean, but that could all be for nought if there is clutter and detritus on every surface! Hiring a cleaning contractor will keep the untidiness in check.

Mental Health is as important as physical health, and thankfully we are all more aware of the problems surrounding mental health issues than ever before. A cleaner workplace will have a positive impact on morale within the workforce and your staff will feel valued as well as valuable.

  • No Storage Issues

Hiring a professional contractor reduces your storage problems; they’ll bring their own cleaning equipment freeing up your precious storage space. Furthermore, you won’t have the responsibility of ordering cleaning products and equipment as your contractor will take care of this for you.

  • Professional Grade Equipment

Every cleaning contractor will have the necessary cleaning tools and equipment for the job. If there’s something that needs more specialist attention, then your cleaners will know how to deal with it. Sometimes, domestic grade cleaning products and equipment are not adequate in a commercial setting.

  • Lower Staff Absenteeism

We all know that viruses, germs, and bacteria are becoming more robust and can survive on surfaces for up to 72 hours. With your workplace being a busy and communal area, cross infection is inevitable, unless it is cleaned regularly. Light switches, desks, IT equipment, staffroom/canteen equipment and other frequently touched surfaces can harbour all kinds of bugs, so regular cleaning will help eliminate them. This in turn will lead to less illness spreading within your workforce and a reduction in staff sick days.

  • Security and Peace of Mind

As an employer, peace of mind is important for you when you hand over responsibility for any part of your business. Each member of a cleaning team will have been fully vetted ensuring that only honest, trustworthy, and reliable operatives will be working on your site. If your cleaning contract is out of office hours, it is vital that you have trust in your chosen provider.

Here at Brightr, we believe that commercial cleaning is a people business, and it is only by very carefully recruiting and training the right people with the right supervision that the job will get done. Good people and good systems deliver the right culture! If you would like a quote, contact us here.

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