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In the fast-paced multi-sector business environment, maintaining a clean office is often underestimated and yet it is pivotal for creating a happy and productive workforce. Daily office cleaning goes beyond mere aesthetics, as it can play a crucial role in employee well-being, productivity, and job satisfaction. Brightr have extensive knowledge about the importance of daily office cleaning and the role it plays in creating a happy working environment.

Health and Hygiene

Daily office cleaning is essential for health and hygiene. Offices are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria, particularly high-touch areas such as door handles, keyboards, and appliances in communal kitchens. Regular cleaning reduces the spread of illnesses resulting in fewer sick days and healthier employees. During cold and flu seasons maintaining a clean office is even more critical. By ensuring that the workspace is sanitised daily, employers can significantly reduce the risk of infections and protect the health of their workforce.

Boosting Employee Morale

A clean and organised office environment positively impacts employee morale. Walking into a clean, fresh-smelling office each day can improve employees’ mood and overall sense of well-being. It shows that the employer cares about the working conditions and values their comfort. In contrast, a cluttered and dirty office can be demoralising, decreasing job satisfaction and increasing stress levels. Employees are likely to feel more motivated and enthusiastic about their work when they know their workplace is clean and well-maintained.

Enhancing Productivity

Productivity is closely linked to the cleanliness of the work environment. A clean office minimises distractions and helps employees focus on the tasks in hand. Clutter and disorganisation can lead to stress and time can be wasted if employees struggle to find necessary documents or equipment. A clean and tidy workspace enables a sense of discipline and order, encouraging employees to adopt similar habits in their work routines. By investing in daily office cleaning, employers can create an environment that enhances concentration and efficiency, leading to higher productivity levels.

Creating a Professional Image

Where business reputation and professionalism are highly valued, the state of an office can significantly impact the company’s image. A clean and well-maintained office creates a positive impression on clients, customers, and prospective employees. It reflects the company’s commitment to excellence and attention to detail. A dirty or disorganised office can convey a lack of professionalism and care, potentially driving away clients and top talent. Regular cleaning ensures that the office remains presentable and aligns with the company’s professional image.

Reducing Stress and Enhancing Good Mental Health

The mental health of employees is a growing concern in the modern workplace. A clean and organised office can play a significant role in reducing stress and promoting mental well-being. Cluttered environments are known to contribute to feelings of anxiety. In contrast, clean spaces can have a calming effect, helping employees feel more in control and less stressed. Daily cleaning routines help create an orderly environment, which can improve overall mental health and job satisfaction.

Supporting Sustainability Goals

Sustainability is increasingly becoming a priority for businesses. Implementing daily office cleaning practices that emphasise eco-friendly products and methods can support a company’s sustainability goals. Using green cleaning products reduces the exposure to harsh chemicals, benefiting both employees’ health and the environment. Promoting recycling and waste reduction through daily cleaning routines aligns with sustainable practices, enhancing the company’s reputation as a responsible, ethical, and forward-thinking organisation.

Compliance with Regulations

Businesses must comply with various health and safety regulations. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 ensures employers have a responsibility for the health, safety, and welfare of their employees. Regular cleaning is part of this responsibility, ensuring that the workplace remains safe and free from hazards. Non-compliance could result in legal issues and damage to the company’s reputation. By maintaining a daily cleaning schedule, employers can ensure they meet regulatory requirements and provide a safe working environment.

Ensuring Employee Retention

Employee retention is a critical aspect of the success of businesses. High turnover rates can be costly and disruptive. A clean working environment can contribute to higher employee retention rates by increasing job satisfaction. When employees feel that their workplace is clean and well-maintained, they are more likely to be satisfied with their job and remain loyal to the company. This reduces recruiting and training costs for new employees, and helps maintain a stable and experienced workforce.

Encouraging a Positive Work Culture

Daily office cleaning can also contribute to a positive work culture. A clean environment encourages employees to take pride in their workspace and promotes a sense of shared responsibility for maintaining cleanliness. This can lead to better cooperation and teamwork among employees, as they work together to keep their office environment pleasant. A positive work culture enhances overall job satisfaction and productivity, creating an effective cycle that benefits both employees and the company.


Daily Office Cleaning is the mainstay of Brightr’s service offering. The environment in which you and your colleagues spend so much of your time is vital because of its effect on morale, motivation, creativity and productivity, not to mention health and hygiene. We are systematic in our approach to your site and the basis of our service is the site survey and specification. Then we always follow certain principles:

  • Recruitment of diligent, reliable, trustworthy cleaners
  • We always take 2 references as a minimum
  • Vetting if appropriate to the site
  • All cleaners are uniformed and have a name badge
  • Thorough training in materials and methods
  • Regular supervision of our cleaners
  • Building security routines

Contact us here for a no obligation quote.

Maintaining a clean workplace is essential for ensuring a healthy and productive environment, especially during the summer months when higher temperatures can exacerbate cleanliness issues. Here are some comprehensive tips and strategies to keep your workplace clean and organised throughout the summer:

1. Implement a Regular Cleaning Schedule

Consistency is key so it’s good to establish a detailed cleaning schedule that outlines daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Assign specific duties to staff or better still, hire a professional cleaning service to ensure all areas are regularly maintained.

High-Traffic Areas such as entrances, hallways, restrooms, and break rooms might need extra attention. These areas may need to be cleaned multiple times a day to prevent debris, dirt and germs from accumulating.

Ensure that air conditioning systems are cleaned and serviced regularly. Clean filters and ducts to maintain air quality and prevent the spread of dust and allergens.

2. Focus on Hygiene

Place hand sanitisers at key locations, such as entrances, conference rooms, and near workstations. Encourage employees to use them frequently to reduce the spread of germs.

Ensure your staff toilets are stocked with necessary supplies like soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. Toilets should be cleaned and disinfected several times a day.

Provide ample waste bins throughout the workplace and empty them regularly to avoid unpleasant odours and potential pest infestations.

3. Addressing Spills and Stains Immediately

Spills should be cleaned up immediately to prevent stains and avoid slips and falls. Have cleaning supplies readily available for employees to take quick action.

Summer can bring in a lot of dust and debris from outside. Schedule professional carpet cleaning services to keep carpets fresh and free from allergens. The warmer weather in the summer months will help reduce drying time too.

4. Control Pests

Summer is peak season for pests like ants, flies, and rodents. In your kitchen, make sure to seal all food in airtight containers, and ensure that food waste is disposed of properly and promptly.

Conduct regular pest control inspections and employ a professional pest control service if necessary to keep your workplace pest-free.

5. Promote a Decluttered Workspace

Encourage your employees to keep their workstations clean and organised. Regularly scheduled decluttering days can help reduce unnecessary items and maintain a tidy environment.

Provide adequate storage options for employees to store their belongings. Use shelves, cabinets, and desk organisers to keep work areas free from clutter.

6. Ventilation and Air Quality

Open windows where possible to allow fresh air to circulate. Good ventilation helps to reduce indoor pollutants and maintain a comfortable temperature.

Bring in some indoor plants to improve air quality and add a touch of greenery. Plants can help reduce stress and increase overall workplace satisfaction.

7. Addressing Summer-Specific Challenges

High humidity in unventilated spaces in summer can lead to mould and mildew. Use dehumidifiers in areas prone to dampness and ensure proper ventilation in bathrooms and kitchens.

Be mindful of employees with allergies. Regular dusting, vacuuming, and maintaining air filters can help reduce allergens in the workplace making life more comfortable for hay fever sufferers.

8. Encourage Employee Participation

Implement a clean desk policy to ensure that employees clear their desks at the end of each day. This reduces clutter and allows cleaning staff to do a more thorough job.

Offer rewards or recognition for employees who consistently maintain clean and organised workspaces. This can motivate others to follow suit, which can only be a good thing for your business.

9. Use Appropriate Cleaning Supplies

Choose environmentally friendly cleaning products whenever possible that are effective and safe for the workplace. Avoid harsh chemicals that can cause respiratory issues or skin irritation.

Ensure that the cleaning staff is equipped with the right tools for the job, such as microfiber cloths, HEPA-filter vacuums, and appropriate cleaning products for different cleaning tasks.

10. Regular Training and Updates

Conduct regular training sessions for employees on the importance of maintaining a clean workplace and best practices for cleanliness and hygiene.

Keep cleaning protocols up to date, especially in response to any health advisories or changes in office occupancy and use.

11. Outsourcing Cleaning Services

The best way to ensure a clean and sanitised workplace is by hiring a professional cleaning contractor. Professional cleaning services have the expertise and equipment to maintain a high standard of cleanliness and will create a schedule of cleaning to suit your business.

Work with the cleaning contractor to create a custom plan that addresses the specific needs of your workplace, particularly during the summer months when dust and allergens can be at their highest.

12. Community and Communication

Maintain open lines of communication with employees about cleanliness expectations and practices. Regular reminders and updates can reinforce the importance of a clean workplace.

Encourage a sense of community where everyone takes responsibility for maintaining the cleanliness of shared spaces. Team efforts can make a significant difference.

13. Emergency Preparedness

Ensure that first aid kits are well-stocked and easily accessible. Accidents can happen, and being prepared helps manage situations effectively.

Have a clear procedure for reporting spills, accidents, or maintenance issues so they can be addressed promptly.

Maintaining a clean workplace during the summer requires a combination of regular cleaning routines, attention to hygiene, and proactive measures to address seasonal challenges. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can create a healthier, more productive environment for everyone in the workplace. Prioritising cleanliness not only enhances the physical workspace but also boosts morale and well-being among employees, contributing to overall business success.


Are you looking for reliable, trustworthy office cleaning services in the Northampton and Milton Keynes areas? Our team of vetted and supervised cleaners are here to help.

We believe our office cleaning services should be transparent, so that our customers can see we have fulfilled our end of the deal to the best of our ability! Whether you’re looking for a one-off deep clean or ongoing contract we can help. Get in touch with us here.

As a reputable commercial cleaning contractor, Brightr understand the significance of delivering impeccable cleaning standards to our clients. We take pride in ensuring that every facility we service maintains a pristine environment enhancing productivity and well-being. We’ve created a comprehensive guide, examining the expectations clients should have regarding cleaning standards from their commercial cleaning company.

Understanding Client Expectations

  • Customised Cleaning Plans – A reliable cleaning company will tailor its services to meet the unique needs of each client. This involves conducting a thorough survey of the premises and developing a customised cleaning plan that addresses specific requirements.
  • Comprehensive Cleaning Services – Clients should expect a wide range of cleaning services to be included in their contract, covering areas such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, sanitising, waste disposal, and more. The cleaning company should have the expertise and resources to handle various tasks and environments effectively.
  • Quality Assurance Measures – A reputable cleaning contractor will have robust quality assurance measures in place to ensure consistent service delivery. This may involve regular inspections, feedback mechanisms, and performance evaluations to maintain high cleaning standards.

Cleaning Standards and Procedures

  • Health and Safety Compliance – The safety and well-being of employees and clients alike should be a top priority for any commercial cleaning company. Clients can expect adherence to health and safety regulations, including the use of appropriate cleaning products, equipment, and techniques to minimise risks and promote a healthy environment.
  • Attention to Detail – Meticulous attention to detail is essential for achieving optimal cleaning results. Clients should expect thorough cleaning of all areas, including hard-to-reach spots, corners, and high-touch surfaces. No detail should be overlooked in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Consistency and Reliability – Reliability is paramount in the cleaning industry. Clients should expect their cleaning company to adhere to agreed schedules consistently and arrive promptly for each cleaning session. Any deviations from the schedule should be communicated in a timely manner and resolved efficiently.
  • Environmentally Friendly Practices – With growing awareness of environmental sustainability, clients may expect their cleaning contractor to use eco-friendly cleaning products and practices wherever possible. This demonstrates a commitment to reducing environmental impact while maintaining cleanliness standards.

Communication and Accountability

  • Open Communication Channels – Effective communication is key to a successful client/contractor relationship. Clients should expect their cleaning company to be responsive to enquiries, feedback, and requests for additional services. Clear channels of communication should be established to facilitate ongoing dialogue.
  • Transparent Reporting – Clients have the right to transparency regarding the services they receive. Cleaning contractors should provide detailed reports on the work completed, including any issues encountered and actions taken to address them. This promotes accountability and trust between the two parties.

Continuous Improvement

  • Approach to Feedback – A proactive approach to soliciting feedback allows cleaning companies to continuously improve their services. Clients should expect their contractor to seek feedback regularly and take the necessary steps to address any concerns or suggestions for improvement.
  • Training and Development – Investing in ongoing training and development ensures that cleaning staff remain up to date with the latest cleaning techniques, equipment, and industry best practices. Clients can expect their cleaning company to prioritise staff training to enhance service quality.
  • Advanced Technology Integration – Clients can anticipate their cleaning contractor will stay up to date in advanced technology and innovations to enhance cleaning efficiency and effectiveness. This may include the use of specialised equipment such as HEPA-filtered vacuums, microfiber cleaning cloths, and electrostatic sprayers for disinfection. Incorporating technology into cleaning processes not only improves results but also demonstrates a commitment to staying ahead of industry trends.
  • Flexible Service Options – Flexibility is essential for meeting the evolving needs of clients. Whether it’s adjusting cleaning frequencies, accommodating special requests, or providing additional services on short notice, clients should expect their cleaning company to offer flexible service options tailored to their specific requirements. A willingness to adapt to changing circumstances ensures that clients receive the support they need when they need it.
  • Proactive Problem Solving – Instead of simply reacting to issues as they arise, clients should expect their cleaning contractor to take a proactive approach to problem-solving. This involves identifying potential areas for improvement or areas of concern and addressing them swiftly to prevent issues from escalating. By anticipating challenges and implementing preventive measures, cleaning companies can minimise disruptions and maintain consistently high cleaning standards.
  • Professionalism and Courtesy – Clients deserve to receive service from cleaning staff who demonstrate professionalism, courtesy, and respect at all times. From the initial point of contact to the completion of each cleaning session, clients should expect their cleaning company to prioritise customer service and uphold the highest standards of professionalism. Friendly, approachable staff who take pride in their work contribute to a positive client experience and help to achieve long-term relationships.
  • Accountability for Results – Ultimately, clients should hold their cleaning contractor accountable for delivering results. This includes not only meeting agreed-upon cleaning standards but also taking responsibility for any shortcomings and implementing corrective actions as necessary. A reputable cleaning company will stand behind its work and take ownership of any issues that may arise, demonstrating a commitment to client satisfaction and service excellence.

Clients should have high expectations when it comes to the cleaning standards provided by their commercial cleaning company. From customised cleaning plans and comprehensive services to strict adherence to health and safety regulations, a reliable cleaning contractor should consistently deliver exceptional results. Open communication, transparency, and a commitment to continuous improvement are key factors in maintaining a successful client-contractor relationship built on trust and mutual satisfaction.

A word from us…

Not all cleaning companies deliver on their promises of reliability and trustworthiness. In some unfortunate instances, you may find yourself dealing with careless cleaners who provide a subpar service, putting your premises at risk of immediate closure if they fail to meet CQC standards. When it comes to office, commercial, industrial, or CQC cleaning, entrust your needs to a company with a proven track record. We take pride in being a consistently highly rated and trusted cleaning service.

To ensure the highest standards of service, we have stringent criteria for our team members. Each cleaner must provide two references, undergo rigorous training, and agree to close supervision. This thorough process enables us to guarantee premium medical, industrial, office, and commercial cleaning services. Our team members are uniformed and badged, providing easy identification for your peace of mind.

Our cleaners are not only diligent and well-mannered but also adept at working discreetly around the public, allowing for daytime cleaning without disruption. Alternatively, if evening cleaning is preferred, we accommodate that as well. Whether day or night, our team is ready to provide cleaning services at your convenience.

If you seek a trusted cleaning company that consistently delivers high-quality service, get in touch with us for a free, no-obligation quotation. Trust us to keep your commercial premises clean and safe.

In the bustling world of professional life, the workspace serves as the epicentre of productivity, creativity, and collaboration. A clean and organised office is not merely an aesthetic preference; it significantly impacts the overall well-being and efficiency of employees. Office housekeeping plays a crucial role in creating a positive and conducive work environment. Here at Brightr, we know the importance of office housekeeping and how to provide practical tips to cultivate a happy and productive workspace, but first it’s important to know the differences between office housekeeping and the type of housekeeping associated with hospitality and home.

Office housekeeping and normal housekeeping share some common principles, but they also have key differences based on the specific environments and requirements of offices versus homes and hospitality. Here are the main distinctions:

Setting and Purpose

Normal Housekeeping: Primarily focuses on maintaining a clean and organised living space, creating a comfortable and safe environment for residents or family members.

Office Housekeeping: Primarily aims at creating a clean, organised, and efficient workspace conducive to productivity and professionalism.


Normal Housekeeping: Encompasses various domestic tasks such as cleaning rooms, managing laundry, organising personal belongings, and maintaining overall cleanliness in a home.

Office Housekeeping: Focuses on tasks specific to a professional setting, including cleaning workstations, common areas, meeting rooms, and other office spaces. It may also involve managing office supplies and ensuring a clutter-free work environment.


Normal Housekeeping: Typically done on a regular basis, such as daily or weekly, to maintain a consistent level of cleanliness in a home or hospitality setting.

Office Housekeeping: Often requires more frequent attention due to the high traffic and usage of office spaces. Daily or weekly cleaning routines are common to ensure a professional and organised atmosphere.


Normal Housekeeping: While cleanliness is important, the focus is often on creating a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere rather than a strictly professional one.

Office Housekeeping: Emphasises a professional appearance, aiming to create a neat and organised environment that reflects positively on the business and promotes a productive work culture.

Specific Requirements

Normal Housekeeping: Involves tasks like vacuuming, dusting, laundry, and maintaining personal spaces. Customisation is based on individual preferences and needs.

Office Housekeeping: In addition to basic cleaning tasks, may involve handling confidential information, organising office and janitorial supplies, managing meeting rooms for presentations, and ensuring the overall functionality of office equipment.

Team Collaboration

Normal Housekeeping: Often handled by individuals or families within the household.

Office Housekeeping: In larger offices, there might be a dedicated cleaning staff or contracted cleaning services responsible for maintaining the workspace.

While both normal housekeeping and office housekeeping share the goal of creating a clean and organised environment, the specific requirements and focus areas differ based on the distinct needs of homes and professional workplaces.

The Psychological Impact of a Clean Workspace

The state of one’s physical surroundings can have a profound impact on mental well-being. A cluttered and disorganised office space can lead to increased stress, decreased focus, and a general sense of unease. On the other hand, a clean and organised workspace promotes a positive mindset, reduces stress levels, and enhances overall job satisfaction. Maintaining a tidy environment contributes to a sense of control and order, promoting a more relaxed and focused state of mind among employees.

Boosting Productivity through Office Organisation

An organised office is a productive office! Time spent searching for misplaced documents, tools, or supplies is time taken away from actual work. Implementing efficient office housekeeping practices can significantly reduce such time wastage. Simple measures like labelling shelves, organising files, and establishing designated storage spaces can streamline daily tasks, allowing employees to work more efficiently and meet deadlines with ease.

Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere

A clean and well-kept office sends a positive message to both employees and visitors. It reflects a commitment to professionalism and attention to detail, creating a positive first impression. A welcoming atmosphere encourages collaboration and teamwork, which gives a sense of community within the workplace. When employees feel comfortable and appreciated, they are more likely to engage in open communication and contribute to a harmonious work environment.

Health and Safety Considerations

Effective office housekeeping is not only about aesthetics and organisation; it also plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and safe workplace. Regular cleaning and disinfection helps to prevent the spread of germs, reducing the risk of illnesses among employees. Additionally, keeping walkways clear of obstacles and ensuring proper storage of equipment minimises the risk of accidents and injuries, contributing to an overall safer work environment.

Tips for Effective Office Housekeeping

Declutter Regularly

Schedule regular decluttering sessions to get rid of unnecessary items. Encourage employees to clean out their workspaces and discard or organise items they no longer need.

Establish Cleaning Protocols

Develop a comprehensive cleaning schedule that includes daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Assign responsibilities to specific individuals or teams to ensure that everyone contributes to maintaining a clean environment.

Organise Workstations

Provide employees with organisational tools such as trays, bins, and shelves to keep their workstations tidy. Emphasise the importance of labelling and categorising items to facilitate easy retrieval.

Invest in Storage Solutions

Invest in storage solutions such as cabinets, shelves, and drawers to keep office supplies and personal belongings tidy. Utilise vertical space to maximise storage capacity and create a clutter-free workspace.

Promote Paperless Practices

Encourage the use of digital documentation and file-sharing systems to reduce paper clutter. Implementing paperless practices not only helps the environment but also enhances accessibility and collaboration.

Maintain Clean Common Areas

Pay special attention to shared spaces such as staffrooms, kitchens, and meeting rooms. Regularly clean and disinfect these areas to promote a healthy and inviting atmosphere for all employees.

Implement Recycling Initiatives

Set up recycling bins throughout the office to encourage sustainable practices. Clearly communicate the importance of recycling and provide guidelines on how to properly dispose of recyclable materials.

Educate and Engage Employees

Conduct workshops or training sessions on the importance of office housekeeping. Encourage employees to take ownership of their workspaces and instil a sense of pride in maintaining a clean and organised office.

Office housekeeping is a fundamental aspect of creating a happy and productive workspace. A clean and organised office environment positively influences employee well-being, gives a sense of professionalism, and enhances overall productivity. By implementing practical tips such as regular decluttering, organising workstations, and promoting sustainable practices, organisations can cultivate a workspace that not only meets operational needs but also contributes to the holistic development and satisfaction of its workforce. A commitment to effective office housekeeping reflects a dedication to the success and prosperity of both the individual employee and the business as a whole.

If you’re looking for Commercial cleaning services, Brightr believe that they’re a people business and it is only by very carefully recruiting and training the right people, with the right supervision, that the job will get done. We believe good people and good systems deliver the right culture. Get in touch with us for a no obligation quote.

Office managers play a critical role in maintaining a clean and healthy work environment. When seeking to engage the services of a cleaning company, they should consider several crucial factors to ensure the workspace remains pristine. We’ve created a comprehensive guide, delving into what office managers should look for in a cleaning company.

1. Reputation and Reliability

Reputation stands as a cornerstone. A cleaning company’s reputation can often be gauged through online reviews, testimonials, and references. Reliability is crucial; consistency in the service the cleaning company delivers and its ability to adhere to schedules should be non-negotiable if office cleanliness is to be maintained.

2. Experience and Expertise

Experience and expertise speak volumes. A company with substantial experience in commercial cleaning is likely to have encountered various challenges and developed effective strategies to tackle them. Consider their specialisation in office cleaning to ensure they’re capable in the specific needs of different businesses.

3. Services Offered

Different offices may require different cleaning methods. Look for a company that offers a comprehensive range of services that align with the office’s requirements. This might include dusting, vacuuming, sanitising, rubbish removal, carpet cleaning, and possibly more specialised services for specific industries.

4. Cleaning Products and Techniques

Eco-friendly and safe cleaning products are increasingly a priority for many offices. Enquire about the cleaning products and techniques used by the company. Ensuring they comply with environmental standards and are safe for the office environment and its occupants is crucial.

5. Customisation and Flexibility

A one-size-fits-all approach might not be suitable for all offices. Seek a company that is flexible and willing to tailor their services to meet the specific needs of your office. They should be open to amending their cleaning schedule, tasks, and approaches according to your requirements.

6. Staff Training and Certification

The cleaning company’s staff should be well-trained, certified, and knowledgeable about the latest cleaning techniques and safety protocols. This is crucial not only for effective cleaning but also for ensuring the safety of the office premises and its occupants.

7. Insurance and Compliance

The company should have comprehensive insurance coverage to protect against any damages or accidents that may occur during the cleaning process. Compliance with industry standards and regulations is also essential to ensure a professional and legally sound service.

8. Communication and Accountability

A transparent and open line of communication is vital. The company should have a clear system for addressing concerns, feedback, and emergencies. Additionally, they should be accountable for their services, addressing any issues promptly and efficiently.

9. Cost and Value

While cost is a factor, it’s prudent to consider the value provided for the price. A balance between quality and affordability is essential. Compare quotes and services offered by different cleaning companies to find the best fit for the office’s budget and needs.

10. Long-Term Partnership Potential

Longevity is key when looking for a reliable and professional contractor. Seek a cleaning company that aims for long-term partnerships. Establishing a strong working relationship ensures consistency and reliability in service, enhancing the sense of trust and understanding between the office and the cleaning company.


The choice of a cleaning company significantly impacts the overall ambiance, hygiene, and functionality of an office space. Office managers should conduct thorough research and assessments to find a cleaning company that will fit in with the office’s unique requirements, making a clean, safe, and welcoming work environment for employees and visitors alike.

At Brightr, we understand that we have an obligation to fulfil the agreement made with our customers to the best of our ability. We believe that the delivery of our office cleaning services should be so transparent that you can see that we have fulfilled this obligation.

We are systematic in our approach to your site and the basis of our service is the site survey and specification. Then we always follow certain principles:

  • Recruitment of diligent, reliable, trustworthy cleaners
  • We always take 2 references as a minimum
  • Vetting if appropriate to the site
  • All cleaners are uniformed and have a name badge
  • Thorough training in materials and methods
  • Regular supervision of our cleaners
  • Building security routines

Commercial cleaning is a people business, and it is only by very carefully recruiting and training the right people, with the right supervision, that the job will get done. We believe good people and good systems deliver the right culture. Get in touch with us for a no obligation quote.

With business set to restart over the coming weeks, many people will be understandably nervous about venturing out to work in the wake of the current Coronavirus pandemic.  They’ll have spent the last few months in the safety of their own home, either furloughed or working from home.  As they return to the office, and must get used to a new normal, many will need reassurance that it is safe to do so.

As employers there is a lot that can be done to give that reassurance, and many practices that can be put into place in order to stop the spread of not just the Coronavirus but other germs and viruses too.

When you reopen your doors to invite your workforce back, it may be prudent to invest in a professional clean; many cleaning companies like us here at Brightr undertake specialist COVID-19 decontamination cleaning, as well as regular commercial cleaning, all in line with current rules and guidelines.

Set an example

Whether you are an employer or employee, take responsibility for your own personal hygiene.  Wash your hands with soap and water regularly and use hand sanitiser between hand washings. Insist that everyone else also adheres to hand washing rules, and be sure that light switches, socket switches and door handles etc are regularly sanitised.

Be distant

Stay socially distant from others to reduce the risk of transmission of all germs and viruses.  Personal cleaning coupled with regular contract cleaning will ensure your workspace stays hygienically clean and sanitary too.

Halt the spread

The cold and flu viruses can survive for up to 72 hours on some surfaces, and although studies are still being carried out on Coronavirus (because it’s a new disease) it’s understood that it can survive up to 48 hours on surfaces, although the infectious virus is likely to decrease significantly by 24 hours.

Be flexible

As many employers are staging a staggered intake of employees, remaining flexible will be key in the coming months.  Self-isolation is a very real possibility for your workforce at one stage or another until a vaccine or cure is found for COVID-19.  Help to contain the virus by maintaining social distance, isolating any suspected infected person, and ensuring a regular schedule of cleaning is kept.

As a cleaning company we have been inundated with questions about the Coronavirus, and what measures can be taken to prevent possible infection. We also offer a specific commercial service for Coronavirus Deep Cleaning.

Brightr have always undertaken our duties responsibly and so, if you as consumers follow basic guidelines too, the risks of infection can be minimised. Of course, there are no guarantees that the infection won’t spread, but sanitary conditions will help in the battle to contain the transmission of not just Coronavirus, but other germs and infections too.

So what can people do to protect themselves and others from contracting Coronavirus? Here are our top protective measures:

Wash your hands often
Washing your hands with soap and water will kill viruses that may be on your hands. Alcohol based hand sanitiser is also effective.

Keep your distance
If someone in your vicinity is coughing or sneezing, stand at least 3 feet (1 metre) away from them. Sneezes contain droplets from noses and mouths which may contain viruses. If you are close to them you could easily breathe in the droplets which will infect you.

Avoid touching your face
Hands touch many surfaces which can pick up germs and viruses. If contaminated, they can be transferred to your eyes, nose and mouth, then into your body.

Carry tissues
Be responsible for your own respiratory hygiene. If you need to cough or sneeze, catch it in a tissue. Failing that, the crook of your elbow. Dispose of any used tissues immediately.

If you’re feeling unwell, stay at home
If you have a fever or cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. This may be a problem completely unrelated to Coronavirus, but you should phone through in advance and follow instructions from your GP or health authority. You may just have a common cold or other minor illness, but if by chance you are infected with Coronavirus, phoning ahead will allow your health care provider to direct you to the correct health facility, and will help prevent the spread of the virus.