In today’s highly competitive business landscape, recruiting and retaining the best staff is crucial for any organisation’s success. And in the cleaning industry, the cleanliness and hygiene of the premises play a crucial role in creating a positive and professional environment. To ensure impeccable cleanliness, it is essential to recruit and train the best cleaning staff.

The recruitment and training processes play a pivotal role in ensuring that the company attracts focussed and loyal candidates and develops their talent. By implementing best practices in these areas, cleaning businesses can maximise their chances of acquiring and nurturing the best staff members. We’ve pinpointed the key best practices for recruitment and training.


  • Define Clear Job Requirements – To attract the best staff, it is imperative to clearly define job requirements, including necessary qualifications, skills, and experience. This ensures that the business targets suitable candidates who possess the desired competencies.
  • Utilise Multiple Sourcing Channels – Relying on a single sourcing channel limits the pool of potential candidates. Expanding the recruitment process to include various channels such as job boards, social media platforms, professional networks, and employee referrals can lead to a broader and more diverse candidate pool.
  • Conduct Thorough Interviews – Interviews provide an opportunity to assess candidates’ suitability for each role. Structured interviews with standardised questions and assessment criteria help ensure fairness and consistency. Additionally, incorporating behavioural and situational questions can shed light on candidates’ problem-solving abilities and cultural fit.

Cleaning staff should have a strong work ethic, the ability to work independently, and a customer-centric approach. Conducting background checks and contacting references can provide further insights into a candidate’s work history and reliability.

  • Assess Cultural Fit – Hiring candidates who align with the organisation’s values, mission, and culture is crucial for long-term success. Assessing cultural fit through interviews, reference checks, and even informal meetings can help determine if candidates will thrive within the business’ environment.

Here at Brightr, in order to become a member of our team, our cleaners must provide us with two references, undergo a rigorous training program, and agree to close supervision of their cleaning. With this process, we are able to promise you medical, industrial, office and commercial cleaning services of the highest possible standard. Not only this, each of our team will attend your premises uniformed and badged so that you are able to easily identify them when they are visiting.


  • Develop a Comprehensive Training Programme – Once the right candidates are selected, a comprehensive training program is vital to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge. The training should cover various aspects of cleaning, including proper handling and use of cleaning equipment and products, knowledge of different surfaces and their cleaning requirements, and adherence to safety protocols. It is essential to provide both theoretical and hands-on training to ensure that the cleaning staff can effectively perform their duties.

In addition to technical skills, training should also focus on soft skills such as communication and customer service. Cleaning staff often interact with employees, clients, or visitors, and therefore need to possess excellent interpersonal skills. They should be trained on professional communication, active listening, and resolving issues or complaints in a courteous and efficient manner. A positive and friendly demeanour can enhance the overall experience of those on the premises.

  • Performance Assessments – Conducting regular performance assessments and identifying skill gaps allows for targeted training interventions, enabling employees to reach their full potential.
  • Encourage Continuous Learning – Promote a culture of continuous learning and professional growth within the organisation. Encourage employees to attend seminars, workshops, and conferences relevant to their roles. Implementing a robust learning management system that offers a variety of resources further facilitates ongoing learning.
  • Evaluate Training Effectiveness – Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of training programs to ensure they are meeting their objectives. Collect feedback from employees and assess their performance improvements post-training. This feedback loop helps identify areas for improvement and refine training initiatives accordingly.
  • Foster a Positive Work Environment – A positive work environment plays a vital role in staff retention and productivity. Encourage open communication, collaboration, and recognition of employees’ achievements.

By following these best practices in recruitment and training, cleaning businesses can significantly enhance their chances of attracting and retaining the best staff. Investing time and resources into these processes demonstrates a commitment to employee development, leading to increased productivity, improved morale, and ultimately, the long-term success of the organisation.


Unfortunately, not all cleaning companies are as reliable and trustworthy as they first seem. In some cases, you could end up with a careless cleaner and an unprofessional clean. Where a CQC standard is also required, this could leave your premises at risk of immediate closure. Don’t trust just anyone with your office, commercial, industrial or surgery cleaning; Brightr Ltd are proud to be Northampton’s best reviewed, most trusted cleaning company. We also offer professional, high quality office cleaning in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas.

The biggest danger in a tight labour market is to take on anyone regardless of whether they are suitable or not. But remember; any cleaning company is only as good as the staff.

Our cleaners are conscientious, well-mannered and are able to work around the public without creating a disturbance, allowing them to clean your site during the day. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about trusting us with keys to your premises if you don’t wish to. Would you prefer your office, commercial building, factory or medical centre was cleaned in the evening? That is also fine. Our team can provide cleaning services at your site day or night.

In short, we:

  • Try to recruit via recommendation from existing good staff if possible
  • Scrutinise CVs
  • Always take references
  • Conduct a trial shift if possible
  • Pay over national living wage


  • Provide training by a supervisor or manager – not by the other cleaners: we want to start with good habits.
  • Are very clear on
    • Chemicals
    • Dilutions of chemicals
    • Which materials to use – cloths, brushes, mops
    • Equipment
  • Health and safety
    • COSHH
    • Basic materials handling and lifting techniques
    • First Aid training
    • Accident form completion and chain of communication in case of incident

Recruiting and training the best cleaning staff requires a strategic and comprehensive approach. Clear job descriptions, rigorous selection processes, and thorough training programs are the pillars of success. By investing in the recruitment and training of the best cleaning staff, businesses can ensure a clean and hygienic environment that promotes productivity, professionalism, and overall well-being.

A deep clean is a comprehensive cleaning process that involves thoroughly cleaning and sanitising a space. This type of cleaning is usually performed by professional cleaning services to ensure that all areas of a premises are cleaned to a high standard.

Having vast experience in all types of cleaning, we’ve put together a guide about what a professional deep clean entails.

First and foremost, a professional deep clean involves a thorough inspection of the premises. This allows the cleaners to identify any areas that require special attention or may need additional cleaning. They will also determine the type of cleaning products and equipment that will be required.

Deep cleaning usually includes the thorough cleaning of:

  • Ledges, windows sills, light fittings and on top of cupboards and cabinets
  • HVAC vent covers
  • Windows inside and out, frames and panes
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Carpets, upholstery, and soft furnishings
  • Hard floors
  • Doors and doorframes
  • Blinds
  • Underneath all furniture and appliances
  • All equipment
  • TVs, monitors, and CCTV cameras
  • Cabinets and drawers, inside and out
  • Behind radiators
  • All kitchen appliances
  • All walls
  • Bathrooms, toilets, sinks, taps, tiles (descaling may be required), and grouting

Once the inspection is complete, the cleaning team will begin the cleaning process. This usually starts with removing any clutter or debris from the area. This can include removing furniture, appliances, and other items that may obstruct the cleaning process. The cleaners will then clean and dust all surfaces, including walls, ceilings, and floors. This involves removing any cobwebs or dust that may have accumulated. The cleaners may also use a specialised cleaning solution to remove any stains or marks from the walls.

Next the cleaners will focus on cleaning the floors. This can involve sweeping and/or vacuuming, and mopping, depending on the type of flooring in the space. If there are any stains or spills on the floor, the cleaners will use specialised or professional grade cleaning products to remove them.

The next step in the cleaning process is to clean the windows and mirrors. This involves using a specialised cleaning solution to remove any streaks or smudges from the glass. The cleaners will also clean any frames or sills around the windows, and mirrors placed in communal areas.

Once the surfaces have been cleaned, the cleaners will focus on sanitising the space. This involves using a disinfectant solution to kill any germs or bacteria that may be present. The cleaners will pay special attention to high-touch areas such as doorknobs, light switches, desks, and countertops.

Finally, the cleaners will perform a final inspection of the space to ensure that everything has been cleaned to their satisfaction. They will also make any final touches to ensure that the space is ready for use.

In addition to the above steps, a professional deep clean may also include other services such as carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and window washing. These additional services can be added to the cleaning package based on their need.

It is important to note that a deep clean is different from a regular cleaning service. While regular cleaning services are designed to maintain a space on a regular basis, a deep clean is a more comprehensive cleaning process that is usually performed less frequently.

How often should the office be deep cleaned?

There are no rules about how frequently a business premises should be deep cleaned, but as a guide we’d recommend every quarter. A deep clean is easier to carry out after business hours so that your cleaners can have full access to all areas, without being disruptive to your staff.

As the business owner, it’s down to you to decide how frequently you’d like a deep clean, but we recommend a full risk assessment to identify what is needed. Weekends or holiday shutdowns make the ideal time for this type of work to be carried out, but most professional cleaning contractors will be able to allot a time suitable for everyone.

How do we benefit from a deep clean?

There are several benefits to having a deep clean carried out, including:

  • Improved air quality – Over time, dust, dirt, and other particles can accumulate in any workspace. A deep clean can help remove these pollutants, improving the air quality and reducing the risk of respiratory issues.
  • Increased productivity – A clean and organised workspace can help employees feel more focused and motivated, leading to increased productivity. It can also help reduce distractions and create a more pleasant working environment.
  • Reduced sick days – A professional deep clean coupled with regular cleaning can help reduce the spread of germs and bacteria, leading to fewer sick days and a healthier workforce.
  • Extended lifespan of equipment – Dust and debris can accumulate on office equipment, such as computers and printers, which can lead to malfunctions and a shorter lifespan. Regular cleaning can help prevent this.
  • Improved aesthetic – A clean and tidy office can create a positive impression on clients and visitors, making the business appear more professional and trustworthy.


Here at Brightr, we provide an unrivalled deep cleaning service, which includes:

  • Touch-point cleaning: We will focus on deep cleaning/sanitisation of all regular touchpoints in your building using professional grade products.
  • Trained teams: Our teams are highly trained and have been carrying out deep cleaning services for many years. We can supply references from existing customers upon request.
  • Transparent charging: We will be able to provide an accurate estimate of the time needed once we know the floor area and type of building to be cleaned. We never exceed that estimate.
  • Strict colour-coding of the materials and products we use in order to prevent cross-contamination.
  • The use of hospital-grade disinfectants.
  • Steam cleaning
  • Client’s health and safety and security procedures: We will ensure that all staff working on your site comply with your Health and Safety and Security procedures.

If you’d like a no obligation quote, then get in touch with us here.

If you have any commercial appliances on your work premises, then keeping them clean is essential. Dishwasher care in particular is crucial if you serve any food, as no matter how appetising your menu, if your meals are presented on dull or dirty crockery then your reputation could suffer.

Even in the most humble of office kitchens, commercial dishwashers can harbour all kinds of germs and bugs if they’re not cleaned properly. Build up of food residue can clog up jets and filters, and after a while the appliance will not be effective in the job it’s made for. After all, you wouldn’t bathe in a dirty bath, so why put dishes in a dirty dishwasher?

Whatever kind of business you run, if you have employees or customers that are consuming food which has been made or served from your kitchen, you have a duty of care to ensure that all equipment is fit for purpose and safe to use.

So, we’ve established that cleaning a commercial dishwasher is important to ensure that it functions properly and maintains a high level of hygiene. But would you know how to clean a commercial dishwasher? Here are the general steps:

  • Turn off and unplug the dishwasher – This is important to ensure your safety while cleaning the dishwasher.
  • Remove debris – Remove any large pieces of debris such as food particles, plates, or utensils from the dishwasher. Use a brush or scraper to remove any stubborn food particles (these accumulate particularly around the filter.
  • Clean the spray arms – Remove the spray arms and soak them in warm soapy water for 10-15 minutes. Then use a brush to remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated inside.
  • Clean the interior – Use a soft cloth and a cleaning solution to clean the interior of the dishwasher. Pay attention to the corners and edges where dirt and debris could accumulate.
  • Clean the filters – Remove the filters and soak them in warm soapy water. Scrub them gently with a soft brush to remove any build up that has accumulated.
  • Rinse and sanitise – Rinse all parts of the dishwasher thoroughly with clean water. Then sanitise the dishwasher by using a sanitising solution (following manufacturer’s instructions).
  • Reassemble and test – After all parts have been cleaned and sanitised, reassemble the dishwasher and test it to ensure that it is working properly.

Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning your specific commercial dishwasher, as the process may vary slightly depending on the model.

How often should you clean a commercial dishwasher?

The frequency with which a commercial dishwasher should be cleaned depends on a variety of factors. This includes how frequently it is used, the type of dishwasher, and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Generally, it is recommended that a commercial dishwasher is cleaned at least once a day, or after every use if it is constantly used. This involves removing any food debris from the machine, rinsing the filters, and sanitising the interior.

In addition to daily cleaning, it is also important to perform periodic deep cleaning of the dishwasher, especially in hard water areas.

How do you clean limescale on a commercial dishwasher?

Much like general cleaning of your appliance, there are steps you can follow to clean limescale from a commercial dishwasher:

  • Turn off the power to the dishwasher and unplug it from the wall to ensure your safety.
  • Empty the dishwasher of any dishes and remove any loose debris or food particles from the dishwasher.
  • Mix a solution of half white vinegar and half water in a bucket or container. You can also add a tablespoon of baking soda to help loosen the limescale.
  • Use a soft brush or sponge to apply the solution to the interior of the dishwasher, paying special attention to areas with heavy limescale build-up. You may find it easier to apply this solution from a trigger spray bottle.
  • Let the solution work for 10-15 minutes to allow it to dissolve the limescale.
  • After the solution has worked for enough time, use a scrubbing brush or sponge to scrub the areas where the limescale has accumulated.
  • Rinse the interior of the dishwasher thoroughly with water to remove any remaining vinegar and baking soda residue.
  • Check to see if any limescale remains. If there is still some build-up, repeat the process until it is removed completely.
  • Once the limescale is removed, dry the interior of the dishwasher with a clean cloth.
  • Finally, plug the dishwasher back in and turn it on to make sure it is working properly.

Can you use bleach in a commercial dishwasher?

Unless it’s in a heavily diluted form and only for cleaning purposes where it will be rinsed off quickly, then the answer is no. It is not recommended to use bleach in a commercial dishwasher as it can damage or corrode the stainless steel parts, as well as harm any rubber or plastic components.

Bleach is not an effective cleaner for removing food residues and stains from dishes, and it can create a hazardous environment for those who come into contact with it. When bleach is mixed with hot water, toxic chlorine fumes can be produced – not a good combination for an appliance that uses hot water.

Commercial dishwashers are typically designed to use specialised detergents and sanitisers that are specifically formulated for use in high-temperature appliances.

Check your manufacturer’s instructions for recommended cleaning products for your commercial dishwasher to ensure that it operates safely and effectively.

Do commercial dishwashers sterilise?

Commercial dishwashers are designed to thoroughly clean and sanitise dishes, but this does not necessarily sterilise them.

Sterilisation is a process that kills all forms of microbial life, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores. Commercial dishwashers typically use high-temperature water, chemicals, or a combination of both to clean and sanitise its load, but they may not achieve the level of sterilisation required for certain industries such as healthcare.

In the food service and hospitality industry, commercial dishwashers are designed to meet health standards and regulations for cleaning dishes to prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses. These machines use hot water and chemical detergents, to sanitise dishes and utensils. The temperature of the water and the concentration of the chemicals used will vary depending on the dishwasher model and the specific requirements of the local health authority.

If you need to sterilise dishes for medical or health and safety reasons, you will need to use a different method, such as autoclaving or chemical sterilisation. These processes are specialised due to the use of pressure, steam and high temperatures, and/or chemicals, so are not suitable for untrained people.


Once you have established a good cleaning routine, your dishwasher should run optimally, resulting in a longer life for your appliance. Scraping plates thoroughly before dishwashing will ensure that the filters stay cleaner for longer, and regularly descaling will help protect the heating element inside the machine.

Whether you are in need of a professional industrial, commercial, office, surgery or even a sports centre clean, our teams are here to help. Providing reliable cleaning services to all types of businesses; small, medium or large, we are your experts.

Commercial cleaning is the umbrella term we use for cleaning and maintaining commercial buildings, such as offices, hotels and restaurants, schools, retail stores, hospitals, and medical facilities, as well as industrial buildings like warehouses and factories. It can involve the use of specialised equipment and techniques to ensure that the environment is safe, hygienic, and welcoming for employees and customers alike.

So, what exactly is involved in commercial cleaning? This blog will tell you about the types of services offered, equipment used, and best practices followed by commercial cleaning companies.

Types of Commercial Cleaning Services

Commercial cleaning services can be divided into two categories: routine cleaning and specialised cleaning.

Routine cleaning involves the regular cleaning and maintenance of a commercial building. This includes tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and non-reach window cleaning. Routine cleaning is typically carried out on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, depending on the needs of the client.

Routine tasks may also involve rubbish removal, janitorial supply and restock, and disinfecting high-touch surfaces and high traffic areas. These tasks are essential for maintaining a clean and healthy environment in the workplace, particularly in settings such as schools, hospitals, and hospitality where germs and bacteria can easily spread.

A key benefit of routine cleaning is that it can improve the overall appearance of a building, creating a more professional and welcoming environment on a day-to-day basis. Clean, well-maintained facilities can also help to boost employee morale and productivity, as well as customer satisfaction and loyalty. It can also have significant health benefits by removing dirt, dust, and other contaminants from the environment. Routine cleaning can help to reduce the risk of illness and infection among employees and customers. This is particularly important in settings such as hospitals and schools, where the spread of germs can have serious consequences.

Specialised cleaning on the other hand, involves more specific tasks that require may require a greater level of expertise. Examples of specialised cleaning services include carpet cleaning, floor stripping and waxing, pressure washing, and deep cleaning of kitchen and bathroom areas. These services are typically performed less frequently than routine cleaning and may require additional time, resources, and equipment.

Equipment Used in Commercial Cleaning

Commercial cleaning companies use a variety of equipment to perform their services. Here are some of the most common pieces of equipment used in commercial cleaning:

  • Vacuum cleaners

Commercial vacuum cleaners are designed to be more powerful and durable than their domestic counterparts. They may also have special attachments for cleaning upholstery, stairs, and other hard-to-reach areas.

  • Floor scrubbers

Floor scrubbers are used to deep clean and polish hard floors, such as tiling, concrete, and hardwood. They use specialised brushes and commercial grade cleaning solutions to remove dirt and grime from the surface of the floor.

  • Pressure washers

Pressure washers use high-pressure water jets to clean exterior surfaces, such as building facades, pathways, and car parks. They are particularly effective at removing dirt, grime, and stains from surfaces that are difficult to clean with traditional methods. Most pressure washers won’t need any chemical cleaning products, but if there is a build-up of mould or algae, then a chemical product may need to be used.

  • Carpet extractors

Carpet extractors are used to deep clean carpets and upholstery. They use hot water and cleaning solutions to remove dirt, stains, and odours from deep withing the fibres of the carpet.

  • Steam cleaners

Steam cleaners use high-temperature steam to sanitise and clean surfaces. They are particularly effective at killing bacteria, germs, and viruses on surfaces traditional methods might fail.

Best Practices in Commercial Cleaning

To ensure that their services are effective and safe, Commercial Cleaning companies should follow best practices. They can do this by:

  • Using environmentally friendly cleaning products – Commercial cleaning companies should use cleaning products that are safe for the environment and do not contain harmful chemicals.
  • Following proper safety protocols – Commercial cleaning operatives should be professionally trained in safety procedures and should use appropriate PPE when necessary, such as gloves, masks, and eye protection.
  • Customising services to the needs of the client – Commercial cleaners should work closely with the business owner or manager to understand their unique cleaning requirements and develop a customised cleaning plan.
  • Using the right equipment for the job – Cleaning operatives should use the correct equipment and techniques for each cleaning task to ensure that the job is done effectively and efficiently.
  • Conducting regular inspections – Commercial cleaning companies should conduct regular inspections of the building to identify any areas that may require additional cleaning or maintenance.


Commercial cleaning is an essential service that helps to ensure the health and safety of employees and customers in commercial settings. By working closely with business owners and managers and following best practices, commercial cleaning companies can help to create a clean and healthy environment that promotes productivity, customer satisfaction, and overall well-being.

If you’d like to know more about the commercial cleaning services we offer, then you can find lots of information here.

Maintaining a clean and organised workplace is essential for any organisation, as it can significantly impact employee productivity, morale, and overall business success. However, ensuring that the office remains tidy and clutter-free can be challenging, especially if employees don’t take responsibility for keeping their workspaces clean. You may already engage the services of a professional cleaning contractor, but it’s still important to make your staff accountable for cleaning up after themselves between visits. Here are some effective ways to engage and encourage employees to help keep your office clean.

Set Clear Expectations

The first step to getting employees to keep the office clean is to set clear expectations. It’s a really good idea to create a workplace cleaning policy that outlines the standards for cleanliness as well as what employees are expected to do to maintain a clean and organised workspace. Make sure that this policy is communicated effectively to all employees, including new employees when they start work at your business. Set guidelines for office cleanliness and hygiene and reinforce this with signage posted in prominent locations reminding employees to clean up after themselves and to keep their workspaces tidy. Explaining the benefits of maintaining a clean workplace will go a long way towards achieving it.

Create a Cleaning Schedule

An effective way to ensure that the office stays clean is to assign certain cleaning responsibilities to different employees. Create a cleaning schedule that outlines the tasks and responsibilities of each of them. Make sure to occasionally rotate these tasks to avoid boredom and resentment setting in. This can be done on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on the size of the office and the number of employees.

Provide the Necessary Tools and Supplies

Make sure that your office is well-stocked with the necessary cleaning tools and supplies. Provide bins in convenient locations and ensure that they are emptied regularly. Stock the kitchen, canteen or staff room with cleaning supplies, such as paper towels, disinfectant, and washing up liquid. Ensure that there is a vacuum cleaner and a mop available for floor cleaning. When employees have access to the tools they need, they are more likely to take responsibility for carrying out the tasks assigned to them.

Provide clear guidelines on how to use these supplies properly and safely, and make sure they are easily accessible. For more heavy duty tasks and regular professional-standard cleaning, consider hiring a cleaning service.

Lead by Example

Leadership sets the tone for workplace culture, and managers must lead by example when it comes to cleanliness. Set the tone and take the time to clean your workspace and common areas (such as the staff room or meeting room) yourself. When employees see their leaders prioritising cleanliness, they are more likely to follow suit!

Regular Communication

The key to ensuring that employees understand the importance of maintaining a clean and organised workplace is to communicate with them regularly. Take the time to remind them of the workplace cleaning policy whilst highlighting the importance of cleanliness for productivity and the good reputation of the business.

Encourage Team Work

Encourage collaboration among employees as a way to keep the office clean. This could involve setting up a system where employees take turns cleaning common areas or assigning each team member a specific task to complete each day, such as wiping down the kitchen counters or emptying the bins. When employees work together to keep the office clean, they are more likely to take pride in their workplace.

Make it Fun

Some people find that cleaning can be a chore, but it doesn’t have to be! Make it fun by turning it into a game or challenge. For example, set a timer and challenge employees to clean their workspace in under five minutes. Making cleaning a fun (and relatively short) activity can make it more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Provide Incentives that Celebrate Cleanliness

Providing incentives is an effective way to motivate employees to keep the office clean. For example, you could offer a prize for the cleanest workspace or the team that consistently maintains a high level of cleanliness. Incentives could also include recognition in team meetings or public acknowledgment of an employee’s efforts in cleanliness and hygiene.

Enforce Consequences

If employees consistently fail to keep their workspaces clean or adhere to the workplace cleaning policy, there should be consequences. You need to send a clear message that cleanliness is a non-negotiable aspect of the workplace culture. While it may seem harsh, enforcing consequences can be an effective way to get employees to take responsibility for keeping the office clean.

Emphasise Health and Safety

A clean workplace is essential for health and safety reasons. Emphasise the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy workspace to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Encourage employees to take responsibility for their own health and well-being by keeping their workspace clean and hygienic. Issue antibacterial wipes so that personal equipment can be sanitised regularly, reducing the risk of contracting viruses through contact.

Address Issues Promptly

If there are any cleanliness issues in your workplace, address them promptly. Spills should be cleaned immediately so reduce the risk of stains setting in. If any cleaning problems are resolved promptly, it can prevent them from escalating, and encourage employees to take responsibility for their own workspace.

Provide Training

Training can be provided to employees about proper cleaning techniques and hygiene practices. This can include how to properly sanitise surfaces, how to dispose of waste, and how to prevent the spread of germs. Make sure that all employees are aware of these guidelines.

Encourage Feedback

Encourage employees to provide feedback about the cleanliness of the office. This can be done through regular surveys or suggestion boxes. Listen to the feedback provided – the opinions of your staff are important and must be acknowledged. Of course, there is the danger that ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’ if you have a large workforce, and it could be easy for cleaning tasks to slip down the priority list if they’re busy. You may find it easier to employ a professional cleaning contractor to keep your workplace clean and sanitary.

At Brightr, we understand that we have an obligation to fulfil the agreement made with our customers to the best of our ability. Contact us here to arrange a fully comprehensive quote.

How do I get my employees to clean their desks?

Encouraging employees to keep their desks clean can contribute to a more organised and productive work environment. Here are some strategies you can employ to motivate your employees to clean their desks:

  • Ensure that you and other managers maintain clean desks. When employees see their managers prioritising cleaning personal spaces they’re more likely to do the same.
  • Communicate the importance of maintaining a clean workspace to your employees. Explain how a tidy desk can improve productivity, reduce stress, and create a positive impression on clients and visitors.
  • Supply employees with organisational tools such as file organisers, desk trays, and recycling bins to make it easier for them to keep their desks tidy.
  • Allow them time for desk cleaning sessions. Allocate a specific time during the week where employees can dedicate a few minutes to tidying up their desks.
  • Offer incentives or rewards for employees who consistently maintain clean desks. This could include small prizes, or even gift cards.
  • Offer tips on decluttering, proper storage techniques, and best practices for maintaining cleanliness.
  • Provide storage for employees’ personal effects. Bags and coats can make a space look cluttered, but if you provide storage for these items, they’ll be out of sight.
  • Regularly provide feedback to employees on the cleanliness of their desks. If necessary, address any issues or concerns about cleanliness directly and respectfully.
  • Lead with Empathy – understand that maintaining a clean desk may not always be easy for everyone, especially during busy periods. Be empathetic to individual circumstances and offer support when needed.

How do you coach a messy employee?

Coaching a messy employee requires a blend of understanding, communication, and guidance.

  • Understand that being messy might not be intentional or a reflection of the employee’s capabilities. Approach the situation with empathy and without judgment.
  • Schedule a private meeting with the employee to discuss the issues. This helps avoid embarrassment and allows for a candid conversation.
  • Explain how their messiness affects their work, team dynamics, and possibly even the company. Be specific about instances where their messiness has caused problems.
  • Give the employee an opportunity to share their side of the story. There might be underlying reasons for their behaviour, such as personal issues or challenges.
  • Clearly outline what is expected of them in terms of organisation and cleanliness in the workspace.
  • Offer help in organising their workspace. Let them know that you’re there to help them succeed.
  • Work together to develop a plan for improvement. Set achievable goals and track their progress.
  • Schedule follow-up meetings to check in on their progress and offer further guidance or adjustments to the plan if needed and offer feedback where necessary.
  • Celebrate milestones and improvements and provide positive reinforcement to encourage continued progress.
  • Changing habits takes time, so be patient and persistent in your coaching efforts. Encourage and reassure the employee that you’re there to support them throughout the process.

How do you deal with a disorganised workplace?

Dealing with a disorganised workplace can be a headache and you need to get a grip on it! There are several steps you can take to improve the situation:

  • Take a step back and assess the extent of the disorganisation. Identify specific areas that need improvement and the underlying causes.
  • Implement clear systems and processes for tasks, projects, and workflows. Define roles and responsibilities, set deadlines, and establish communication channels to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Encourage decluttering and organising of workspaces.
  • Help your team prioritize tasks to focus on what’s most important. Use tools to prioritise frameworks to help employees manage their workload effectively.
  • Encourage an environment of open communication and collaboration. Allow team members to share updates, ask for help when needed, and provide feedback on ways to improve processes.
  • Address any issues or concerns related to disorganisation promptly. Listen to feedback from employees and take proactive steps to resolve any underlying issues contributing to the disorganisation.
  • Recognise and celebrate improvements in organisation and productivity. Acknowledge the efforts of everyone who contributes to making the workplace more organised and efficient.
  • Continuously evaluate systems and processes and make adjustments as necessary to maintain organisation and efficiency in the workplace.

How do I tell my employees to keep my kitchen clean?

  • Addressing cleanliness in shared spaces like a kitchen can be delicate but important for maintaining a productive and comfortable work environment. But there are ways to deal with the issue in a constructive way:
  • Gather all your employees for a brief meeting. Ensure everyone has a chance to attend.
  • Begin the conversation by expressing appreciation for everyone’s efforts in maintaining the workspace and politely bring up the concern about the cleanliness of the kitchen. Avoid blaming or singling out individuals. Instead, focus on the collective responsibility.
  • Emphasise the importance of a clean kitchen for health, safety, and professional image. Mention that a clean environment contributes to everyone’s well-being and productivity.
  • Clearly communicate your expectations regarding cleanliness standards. Be specific about what needs to be done, such as washing dishes immediately after use, wiping down surfaces, and disposing of food properly.
  • Encourage employees to take ownership of the kitchen space. Remind them that it’s a shared area, and everyone’s contribution to cleanliness matters.
  • Make sure there are adequate cleaning supplies available in the kitchen. Encourage employees to use them and inform you if anything needs restocking.
  • If there are particular issues recurring in the kitchen, address them directly but tactfully. For instance, if there’s a problem with food left in the fridge for too long, discuss proper food storage and regular cleaning of the appliances.
  • Allow employees to share their thoughts and suggestions on how to maintain cleanliness in the kitchen. Encourage a collaborative approach to finding solutions.
  • Monitor the cleanliness of the kitchen regularly. Offer gentle reminders if cleanliness standards slip and provide positive feedback when improvements are noticed.

The office kitchen is an important place for employees. It’s where they go to make their morning coffee, prepare or eat their lunch, and sometimes even take a quick break during the day. However, an unclean kitchen can quickly become a health hazard and a source of frustration for everyone. That’s why it’s crucial to keep the office kitchen clean and organised. In this guide, we’ve put together a few tips to cover everything you need to know about cleaning the office kitchen.

1. Establish a Cleaning Schedule

The first step in maintaining a clean office kitchen is to establish a cleaning schedule. This schedule should be posted in a visible location, and everyone should be aware of their responsibilities. The schedule should include daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks.

Daily tasks should include wiping down countertops, cleaning the sink, and emptying the bins, particularly if there is food waste that could cause bad odours.

Weekly tasks can include cleaning the fridge, microwave, and dishwasher if there is one.

Monthly tasks can include cleaning out cupboards and ensuring their contents are clean and organised.

2. Provide Cleaning Supplies

To ensure that employees can clean up after themselves, it is important to provide them with the necessary cleaning supplies. This includes washing up liquid, dish cloths, paper towels, and cleaning spray. Make sure to regularly restock these supplies, so employees always have what they need to complete their cleaning tasks.

3. Keep the Sink Clean

The sink is one of the most important areas in the kitchen to keep clean. It is where dishes are washed, and food is prepared. Make sure to clean it daily with hot, soapy water and anti-bacterial spray. It is also important to keep the plug hole free of food debris and to disinfect regularly.

4. Empty the Bins

One of the biggest sources of mess in the kitchen is overflowing bins. To avoid this problem, make sure they’re emptied regularly, at least once a day. Encourage employees to take turns taking out the rubbish so that the task doesn’t fall to one person all the time.

5. Clean the Fridge

The fridge is an important appliance to keep clean, as it is where food is stored. To keep it clean, make sure to wipe down the shelves and drawers regularly. You should also check the expiration dates on packaged food and throw away anything that has gone bad. Additionally, it is important to periodically deep clean the refrigerator to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Encourage your staff to follow health and safety rules about how and where to stock different food items within the fridge. Signage or posters nearby can help.

6. Maintain Non-perishable Storage

Food cupboards are another area that can quickly become messy and disorganized. Regularly check expiration dates and throw away anything that is expired. Encourage employees to label their food, so everyone knows what belongs to them. You should also regularly wipe down the shelves and organise the food to prevent clutter.

7. Clean the Microwave

The microwave is an appliance that can quickly become dirty and unsanitary. To clean the microwave, place a bowl of water inside and microwave it for 2-3 minutes. This will create steam, which will help loosen any stuck-on food. Then, wipe down the inside with a damp cloth. For an even fresher clean, add a slice of lemon to the water – this gives off a zesty clean smell.

8. Clean the Dishwasher

To clean the dishwasher, remove any leftover food or debris from the bottom of the appliance and remove, wash then replace the filter. Run an empty cycle with distilled vinegar or dishwasher cleaner to remove any limescale and grime build-up.

9. Organise Cutlery and Crockery

The utensils in the office kitchen are used by everyone, and it can be frustrating to try and find what you need when they are disorganised. Invest in a utensil holder or drawer organiser. Encourage employees to clean any utensils they use and return them to their proper place. Plate racks are a useful tool to keep clean plates and dishes organised.

10. Clean the Coffee Maker

The coffee machine is a staple in most office kitchens, and it is important to keep it clean to prevent the growth of bacteria. To clean the coffee maker, run a cycle with a mixture of distilled vinegar and water, or a coffee machine cleaning product. Be sure to run a couple of cycles with plain water to rinse out any leftover product.

11. Mop the Floors

The floor in the office kitchen should be swept and mopped regularly to remove any dirt, debris, and spills. Make sure to use a disinfectant solution that is appropriate for the type of flooring in your office kitchen and use the appropriate health and safety warning signs to make people aware when the floor is wet.

12. Encourage Employees to Clean Up After Themselves

The most important step in maintaining a clean office kitchen is to encourage employees to take responsibility for their own mess. This includes washing dishes, wiping up spills and crumbs, and throwing away rubbish. Make sure to set clear expectations for cleanliness and hold employees accountable for their actions.


Maintaining a clean office kitchen is important for the health and well-being of employees. By establishing a cleaning schedule, providing cleaning supplies, and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your office kitchen is always clean and organised. With a little effort and cooperation, you can create a clean and enjoyable kitchen space for everyone in the workplace.

If you’re looking for a trusted cleaning company who offer a consistent high-quality service, contact Brightr for a free no obligation quotation.

Ensuring that your employees are happy and healthy is fundamental if your business is to thrive. So whichever sector you’re in, you need to be sure that your workplace is safe and that your staff work in good conditions allowing them to focus on their tasks. Studies have shown that when employees feel safe and comfortable in their working environment, they are more likely to provide a higher level of productivity which can only be good for your clients who will enjoy a higher level of service.

Never underestimate the importance of workers’ wellbeing; you could be surprised by the enhancement for your company. Here are 5 tips for business leaders to help create a safe workplace.

Offer Your Employees Training

There are several reasons why offering health and safety training to your employees is important:

  • Compliance with regulations: By providing training, you can ensure that your company is following regulations thus avoiding potential fines or legal penalties.
  • Reduce workplace accidents and injuries: Employees will be able to identify and prevent workplace hazards, such as slips, trips, and falls. By teaching your employees how to work safely, you can reduce the risk of workplace accidents and injuries.
  • Save costs: Workplace accidents and injuries can result in lost productivity, increased insurance costs, and potential lawsuits. By investing in health and safety training, you can reduce the likelihood of these incidents, which can save your company money in the long run.

Routine Building Maintenance

Maintaining the fabric of your building should be a priority for any business owner. It can help ensure safety and save costs, but also preserve asset value whilst showing a professional image for your business.

  • Regular maintenance of your work building can help ensure that it is safe for employees, customers, and visitors. This includes looking after structural integrity, electrics, plumbing, and other miscellaneous maintenance.
  • A well-maintained building can operate more efficiently, which saves cash on utility bills and other expenses.
  • By maintaining your building, you can help preserve its value. Neglecting maintenance will result in small problems that escalate into larger issues which can be expensive to fix.
  • Create a positive impression of your business. Good maintenance can show that you take pride in your work environment and care about the safety and well-being of your employees and customers.

Make Sure it’s Clean

A clean and tidy office should be a standard and minimum requirement. The importance of a clean and sanitary office space should never be underestimated, especially when it comes to the health and safety of your workforce.

Of course, there are other good reasons why having a clean office is important. It can create a professional and welcoming atmosphere for clients and visitors. A clean and well-organised space can communicate a sense of competence and attention to detail, which can be important for building trust and establishing credibility.

A clean office can promote better health and productivity for employees. A tidy workspace can reduce the risk of illness and injury, and can also help people feel more focused and energised. If you want to create a safe, healthy, and productive work environment, then keep it clean!

Consider employing the services of a professional contract cleaning service like us here at Brightr, to keep your premises clean and sanitised.

Encourage Your Staff to Take Short Breaks

Taking a short break now and again is sensible both for your company and the health of your staff. If they work too hard and don’t take a few minutes to relax every few hours, they could lose focus which could lead to mistakes being made. By stretching their legs, having a snack or cup of coffee every few hours, your staff will be re-invigorated, return to their tasks with fresh eyes, and will be more likely to produce a higher standard of work.

You may like to provide your staff with snacks to keep them going, or a water cooler to keep them hydrated.

Make Workplace Safety Fun

While safety needs to be taken seriously, there are ways to help incorporate safety into company culture whilst making learning about it fun. Use your workplace signage to create safety-themed quizzes or competitions. Offer small incentives or prizes, and chances for company-wide recognition – these can be great motivators. By making it a little fun, there’s a good chance that employees will stay engaged and retain the information, making your workplace safer for all.

A clean workplace is important, and it will always benefit employers to make sure that their premises are regularly cleaned for more reasons than they may think. Here are some things you can do or achieve just by maintaining a clean and sanitary workplace:

Promote Health and Safety

Cleanliness in your workplace can help promote health and safety by:

• Reducing the spread of germs and diseases
• Preventing accidents that could be caused by clutter and mess
• Maintaining a hygienic environment
• Improving air quality
• Reducing allergens and irritants

Improve morale and productivity

A clean environment can have a really positive impact on morale and productivity by creating a pleasant and organised workspace whilst reducing stress and distractions. Employees are more likely to feel valued when they see that effort has gone into providing them with a clean and well maintained work environment, which will ultimately lead to improved motivation and job satisfaction.

Enhance your professional image

Cleanliness can project a professional image by creating a positive first impression and conveying attention to detail, as well as a level of care and respect for everyone around you. It can also demonstrate the fact that you’re well organised, responsible, and professional which can only go to enhance your credibility and reputation.

Reduce the spread of bugs and germs

Decent cleaning helps to reduce the spread of seasonal bugs and germs. Viruses can survive for long periods of time on surfaces which can then be transferred from person to person throughout your business. Disinfection of frequently touched surfaces will reduce the amount of harmful germs and bacteria which will in turn reduce the risk of transmission.

Of course, each employee’s personal hygiene is a factor to be considered, and they should be encouraged to wash their hands regularly and can be provided with hand sanitising products if desired.

Facilitate improved organisation and task completion

A clean and organised work environment will help to minimise your employees’ distractions. Cluttered work areas can seem depressing and dull and can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. This can all have a negative impact on workers’ concentration and productivity. When it’s clean and tidy efficiency will be increased as equipment is easily accessible, and tasks can be completed in a timely manner.

Retain your staff

Staff retention is music to any employers’ ears. And a clean workplace can significantly and positively impact this. There are several reasons why:

• Improved health and safety: A clean workplace reduces the risk of accidents and illnesses, creating a safer and healthier work environment.
• Increased morale: A clean and organised workplace can boost employee morale and satisfaction, making them feel valued and appreciated.
• Enhanced productivity: A clean and clutter-free workspace can increase focus and efficiency, leading to improved productivity and performance.
• Better first impressions: A clean workplace can make a positive first impression on clients and visitors, projecting a professional image for the company.
• Improved mental well-being: A clean and organised workplace can reduce stress and improve mental well-being, contributing to a positive work environment.
• Enhanced motivation: When employees feel that their workplace is clean and well-maintained, it can increase their motivation and engagement, leading to higher retention rates.
• Improved collaboration: A clean and organised workplace can facilitate collaboration and teamwork, helping to nurture positive relationships among employees.
• Increased pride in the workplace: When employees take pride in their workplace, they are more likely to stay with the company long-term.

Overall, a clean workplace can have a positive impact on staff retention by creating a safe, productive, and motivating work environment. Companies that prioritise cleanliness and organisation are more likely to retain their employees and foster a positive company culture.

At Brightr, our cleaners are conscientious, well-mannered and are able to work around the public without creating a disturbance. Our team can provide cleaning services at your site day or night, so, if you are looking for a trusted cleaning company who offer a consistent high quality service, contact us for a free no obligation quotation.

The UK All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Cleaning recently released a report on the state of the cleaning industry in the country. The report, entitled “Raising Standards in Cleaning: Achieving a Living Wage for Cleaners,” highlights the challenges faced by workers in the cleaning industry and calls for greater protections and higher wages for these workers.

One of the key findings of the report is that many cleaners in the UK are paid low wages and have little job security. According to the report, the median hourly wage for cleaners in the UK is just £8.72, which is well below the national living wage of £8.91. Furthermore, many cleaners are not provided with regular contracts or benefits such as sick pay or paid holidays.

The report also notes that many cleaners work in poor conditions, with inadequate training and equipment. This can lead to injury and ill health, as well as a lower quality of cleaning services.

In light of these findings, the APPG on Cleaning is calling for a number of changes to be made to improve the lives of cleaners in the UK. These include:

  • Increasing the national living wage for cleaners to £10.75 per hour
  • Providing regular contracts and benefits to cleaners
  • Improving the training and equipment provided to cleaners
  • Establishing a Cleaning Standards Authority to set and enforce standards for the industry

The report also calls for greater transparency in the cleaning industry, with companies being required to disclose information about their cleaning contracts and the wages and conditions of their cleaners. This would allow consumers to make informed choices about the companies they do business with and help to drive up standards in the industry.

It is important to note that the cleaning industry is a significant contributor to the UK economy, employing around 1.5 million people and generating £24 billion in revenue annually. However, despite its importance, the industry has long been overlooked and undervalued. The APPG on Cleaning report is a step towards recognizing the vital role that cleaners play in maintaining the cleanliness of our buildings and public spaces and the importance of ensuring that they are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

The report also pointed out the disproportionate number of people from ethnic minorities and immigrants who work in the cleaning sector and how they are often paid lower wages, receive fewer benefits, and have less job security compared to their white British counterparts. This further highlights the urgent need for change in the industry.

It is also important to point out that the COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the essential role that cleaners play in maintaining public health and safety. The report states that cleaners have been on the front line during the pandemic, working tirelessly to keep buildings and public spaces clean and disinfected. They have put their own health and safety at risk to protect others, yet they have not been recognized or rewarded for their efforts.

In conclusion, the APPG on Cleaning report is a call to action for the UK government, companies, and consumers to recognize the vital role that cleaners play in our society and to take steps to improve their wages and working conditions. Cleaners deserve fair pay and benefits, safe working conditions, and the respect and dignity that all workers deserve. It is time for the cleaning industry to be given the attention and investment it deserves, to raise standards and ensure that cleaners are paid a living wage.

Cleaning contractors can be a valuable asset for businesses and individuals who need help maintaining a clean and organised space. They can save time and effort for those who do not have the time or resources to do the cleaning themselves. Additionally, professional cleaning contractors have the expertise and equipment to ensure that a space is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

So, are Cleaning Contractors really worth it?

Our short answer is Yes! One of the biggest advantages of using a cleaning contractor is that they can save time and effort for the business or individual. Instead of having to spend hours cleaning a space, a contractor can handle the task quickly and efficiently. This can be especially beneficial for businesses that need to keep their premises clean and tidy for customers or clients.

Another advantage of using a cleaning contractor is that they have the expertise and equipment to thoroughly clean and disinfect a space. They have access to specialised cleaning products and equipment that are not typically available to the general public, and they know how to use them effectively to remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants. This can be especially important in healthcare facilities, where the need for cleanliness and disinfection is critical to prevent the spread of disease.

Isn’t Contract Cleaning Expensive?

Cleaning contractors can be more cost-effective than hiring in-house staff to do the cleaning. They typically charge by the hour or by the job, so businesses and individuals only pay for the cleaning services that they need.

The services of a cleaning contractor may seem expensive, and you may question whether it’s worth it for your business. But remember that outsourcing to a contract cleaning provider will result in no more last-minute searches for a cover-cleaner or having to carry out the cleaning yourself. However, it is also important to do proper research and background checks before hiring a cleaning contractor to ensure they are reputable and have good references.

I already have a cleaner, but they work as an individual. I don’t really want to change cleaners.

If you have a cleaner working for you and they provide a good service, then it does seem rather foolish to change. But Contractors are bound by certain employment laws, whereby they can hire employees under the same pay and terms and conditions. The current TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment) law enables individuals to become employees without any service interruption to your business, or their income.

Before you sign a contract…

Before hiring a cleaning contractor, it is important to communicate your expectations clearly, and make sure that the contractor is able to meet them. This includes establishing clear guidelines for what needs to be cleaned and how often, as well as ensuring that the contractor can provide the necessary cleaning products and equipment.

Cleaning contractors can be a valuable asset for businesses needing help in maintaining a clean and organised space. They can save time and effort, have the expertise and equipment to ensure a space is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and can be more cost-effective than hiring in-house staff. However, it is important to consider the cost and do proper research before hiring a contractor and communicate expectations clearly.

I’m not sure I want to be tied into a Contract.

Taking on a new contract can involve some initial overheads for a cleaning contractor, as there are a lot of factors involved, including allocating or recruiting staff and then training them, which can take time. A contract between you and the contractor will give you certain guarantees, written down and signed by both parties.

To protect you, contracts tend to have an exit clause for poor performance, so that if you are not satisfied with the service level from you cleaning team, then you may be permitted to exit early. However, there may be an improvement notice in place, giving the contractor time to improve the service within a set time limit.

Committing to a long-term contract might seem like a daunting prospect, but the advantages far outweigh any concerns you may have.


At Brightr, we believe that only by very carefully recruiting and training the right people, with the right supervision, that the job will get done. We believe good people and good systems deliver the right culture. Find out more about our services here.