Facilities management encompasses a broad range of services and activities that are designed to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of an organisation’s physical environment. This can include managing and maintaining buildings, infrastructure, utilities, and services.

Facilities management tasks can be split into two categories; hard FM services which concerns the like of maintenance and plumbing, and soft FM services which focuses on services such as cleaning and catering.

Whilst facilities management is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses various tasks to ensure the efficient and effective functionality of physical environments, among the myriad of responsibilities, cleaning emerges as a cornerstone element.

The role of cleaning in facilities management extends way beyond mere aesthetics. It plays a pivotal role in promoting health, safety, and overall well-being. Would you know about the multifaceted significance of cleaning in facilities management? We’ve shed some light on its impact on hygiene, productivity, and the overall operational efficiency of a facility. Read on….

Health and Hygiene

One of the primary reasons cleaning holds a central position in facilities management is its direct impact on health and hygiene. A clean environment reduces the risk of infections (particularly as we enter cold and flu season), minimises the spread of diseases, and creates a safe and sanitary space for people. In settings like hospitals, laboratories, and educational institutions, stringent cleaning protocols are vital to prevent the transmission of germs and bacteria. Regular and thorough cleaning practices contribute to maintaining indoor air quality, reducing allergens, and creating an environment conducive to well-being.

Employee Productivity

A clean and well-maintained workplace is directly linked to employee productivity. Clutter, dust, and dirt not only create physical hazards but also contribute to a distracting and uncomfortable atmosphere. When employees work in a clean and sanitised environment, they are more likely to feel motivated, focused, and energised. Clean workspaces promote a positive corporate culture and contribute to employee satisfaction, ultimately enhancing overall productivity and efficiency.

Facility Aesthetics and Image

The visual appeal of your premises significantly influences its image and reputation. Cleanliness contributes to the overall aesthetics of a space, leaving a positive impression on visitors, clients, and employees. A well-maintained facility reflects professionalism and attention to detail, instilling confidence in the business owner. By contrast, an unclean or unkempt environment can create a negative perception, impacting the reputation of the organisation. Therefore, cleaning is not just a practical necessity but also a strategic element in shaping the public image of a facility.

Equipment Longevity and Asset Preservation

Facilities often house valuable assets and equipment. Regular cleaning and maintenance practices are crucial to preserving these assets and ensuring their longevity. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate on machinery and equipment, leading to operational inefficiencies and, in some cases, irreversible damage. By implementing a robust cleaning regime, facilities managers can extend the lifespan of equipment, reduce the need for costly repairs or replacements, and optimise the overall performance of assets.

Compliance with Regulations

Cleaning in facilities management is not just a matter of preference – it is often mandated by regulatory standards and guidelines. Various industries, such as healthcare and food services, are subject to strict cleanliness and hygiene regulations to ensure the safety of occupants and consumers. Facilities managers must stay up to date with these regulations and implement cleaning protocols that align with legal requirements. Non-compliance not only poses legal risks but can also compromise the health and safety of people within the facility.

Environmental Impact

The role of cleaning in facilities management extends beyond the interior spaces of a facility. Environmental considerations are increasingly important in modern facilities management practices. Sustainable and eco-friendly cleaning practices, such as the use of green cleaning products and energy-efficient equipment, contribute to minimising the environmental footprint of a business. Implementing environmentally conscious cleaning methods connects with broader corporate social responsibility goals, and demonstrates a commitment to sustainable practices.

Emergency Preparation

A clean and well-organised facility is better prepared to handle emergencies. Whether it’s a fire, flood, or another unforeseen event, a clutter-free and well-maintained space facilitates swift evacuation and emergency response. Clean and properly maintained exits, clear signage, and unobstructed pathways contribute to the overall safety of occupants during emergencies. Facilities managers should integrate cleaning practices into emergency contingency plans to ensure a coordinated and effective response to unexpected events.


The role of cleaning in facilities management is integral to the overall success and functionality of a premises. Beyond the surface-level implications of cleanliness, it significantly impacts health, safety, productivity, and the overall reputation of an organisation. Facilities managers must recognise the functional nature of cleaning and implement comprehensive strategies that address not only visual aesthetics but also the health and well-being of occupants, the longevity of assets, and compliance with regulatory standards. As facilities management continues to evolve, the importance of cleaning as a strategic and essential component will continue to shape the way organisations approach the maintenance and optimisation of their physical environments.

The cleaning of commercial premises may require different skills, equipment and processes, but our team of cleaners are expertly trained to deal with the differing requirements which can be presented to them when carrying out commercial cleaning services. We won’t duplicate an existing contract as we want to make sure you get exactly what you need from our services. For a no obligation quote, get in touch here.

Office managers play a critical role in maintaining a clean and healthy work environment. When seeking to engage the services of a cleaning company, they should consider several crucial factors to ensure the workspace remains pristine. We’ve created a comprehensive guide, delving into what office managers should look for in a cleaning company.

1. Reputation and Reliability

Reputation stands as a cornerstone. A cleaning company’s reputation can often be gauged through online reviews, testimonials, and references. Reliability is crucial; consistency in the service the cleaning company delivers and its ability to adhere to schedules should be non-negotiable if office cleanliness is to be maintained.

2. Experience and Expertise

Experience and expertise speak volumes. A company with substantial experience in commercial cleaning is likely to have encountered various challenges and developed effective strategies to tackle them. Consider their specialisation in office cleaning to ensure they’re capable in the specific needs of different businesses.

3. Services Offered

Different offices may require different cleaning methods. Look for a company that offers a comprehensive range of services that align with the office’s requirements. This might include dusting, vacuuming, sanitising, rubbish removal, carpet cleaning, and possibly more specialised services for specific industries.

4. Cleaning Products and Techniques

Eco-friendly and safe cleaning products are increasingly a priority for many offices. Enquire about the cleaning products and techniques used by the company. Ensuring they comply with environmental standards and are safe for the office environment and its occupants is crucial.

5. Customisation and Flexibility

A one-size-fits-all approach might not be suitable for all offices. Seek a company that is flexible and willing to tailor their services to meet the specific needs of your office. They should be open to amending their cleaning schedule, tasks, and approaches according to your requirements.

6. Staff Training and Certification

The cleaning company’s staff should be well-trained, certified, and knowledgeable about the latest cleaning techniques and safety protocols. This is crucial not only for effective cleaning but also for ensuring the safety of the office premises and its occupants.

7. Insurance and Compliance

The company should have comprehensive insurance coverage to protect against any damages or accidents that may occur during the cleaning process. Compliance with industry standards and regulations is also essential to ensure a professional and legally sound service.

8. Communication and Accountability

A transparent and open line of communication is vital. The company should have a clear system for addressing concerns, feedback, and emergencies. Additionally, they should be accountable for their services, addressing any issues promptly and efficiently.

9. Cost and Value

While cost is a factor, it’s prudent to consider the value provided for the price. A balance between quality and affordability is essential. Compare quotes and services offered by different cleaning companies to find the best fit for the office’s budget and needs.

10. Long-Term Partnership Potential

Longevity is key when looking for a reliable and professional contractor. Seek a cleaning company that aims for long-term partnerships. Establishing a strong working relationship ensures consistency and reliability in service, enhancing the sense of trust and understanding between the office and the cleaning company.


The choice of a cleaning company significantly impacts the overall ambiance, hygiene, and functionality of an office space. Office managers should conduct thorough research and assessments to find a cleaning company that will fit in with the office’s unique requirements, making a clean, safe, and welcoming work environment for employees and visitors alike.

At Brightr, we understand that we have an obligation to fulfil the agreement made with our customers to the best of our ability. We believe that the delivery of our office cleaning services should be so transparent that you can see that we have fulfilled this obligation.

We are systematic in our approach to your site and the basis of our service is the site survey and specification. Then we always follow certain principles:

  • Recruitment of diligent, reliable, trustworthy cleaners
  • We always take 2 references as a minimum
  • Vetting if appropriate to the site
  • All cleaners are uniformed and have a name badge
  • Thorough training in materials and methods
  • Regular supervision of our cleaners
  • Building security routines

Commercial cleaning is a people business, and it is only by very carefully recruiting and training the right people, with the right supervision, that the job will get done. We believe good people and good systems deliver the right culture. Get in touch with us for a no obligation quote.

The issue of ‘a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work’ is a critical aspect of ensuring economic stability and social justice in any country. In the UK, the cleaning sector plays a vital role in maintaining clean and hygienic environments in many and varied settings, from offices and schools to hospitals and public spaces.

However, the sector has long been plagued by issues related to low pay, job dissatisfaction and insecurity, and inadequate benefits.

We have explored the importance of supporting a living wage in the cleaning sector in the UK, addressing the challenges faced by workers, the benefits of a living wage, and the steps that can be taken to achieve this goal.

The Current State of the Cleaning Sector in the UK

The cleaning sector in the UK employs a significant number of individuals, making it one of the largest low-wage industries in the country. A large proportion of cleaning staff work with non-standard employment arrangements, such as part-time, temporary, or sometimes zero-hour contracts. These arrangements can often lead to job insecurity, making it difficult for workers to plan their lives, budget their finances and most importantly of all, provide for their families.

One of the most pressing issues in the cleaning sector is the prevalence of low wages. A substantial number of cleaning workers in the UK are paid at or near the minimum wage, which is not sufficient to meet the basic cost of living. Many workers in this sector are forced to rely on government benefits or work multiple jobs to make ends meet, leading to physical and mental stress and/or illness.

The Importance of a Living Wage

A living wage is defined as a wage that provides a decent standard of living, covering the basic necessities such as housing, bills, food, clothing, and transport. Supporting a living wage in the cleaning sector is essential for several reasons:

Reducing Income Inequality

A living wage helps to narrow the income inequality gap by ensuring that all workers receive fair compensation for their work.

Poverty Reduction

Many cleaning sector employees live in or near poverty due to low wages. Paying a living wage can help employees work themselves and their families out of poverty.

Improved Quality of Life

Workers who earn a living wage can better provide for their families, afford decent housing, and access essential services, contributing to an improved quality of life.

Increased Job Satisfaction and Productivity

Earning a living wage can enhance job satisfaction and motivation among cleaning staff, leading to improved productivity and better provision of quality services.

Reduced Reliance on Government Benefits

When workers earn a living wage, they are less likely to depend on government assistance, which can reduce the financial burden on taxpayers.

Challenges to Implementing a Living Wage in the Cleaning Sector

Implementing a living wage in the cleaning sector is not without its challenges. Employers often have cost concerns, arguing that higher wages could lead to financial strain. However, it’s important to consider the long-term benefits that outweigh the short-term costs. Some of the challenges include:

Resistance from Employers

Employers may resist the implementation of a living wage due to concerns about profitability and cost management.

Competitive Pressure

Cleaning companies may face competitive pressure if they raise wages unilaterally, as their clients may prioritise lower costs over fair wages.

Regulatory Barriers

Current laws and regulations may not adequately support the implementation of a living wage, which can hinder progress.

Steps Towards Implementing a Real Living Wage

By law, your employer must pay a minimum amount on average for the hours you work. This is called the National Living Wage and comes into effect if you’re aged 23 or over. The real living wage includes a voluntary contribution made by your employer and is calculated exactly on what people need to live.

To support the real living wage in the cleaning sector in the UK, several steps can be taken:

Advocacy and Awareness

Organisations and advocates can raise awareness about the importance of a real living wage in the cleaning sector, helping to garner public support.

Collective Bargaining

Unions can negotiate with employers to secure better wages and working conditions for cleaning sector employees.

Legislative Reforms

The government can introduce and enforce regulations that establish a minimum living wage for cleaning sector workers.

Responsible Procurement

Clients and organisations that hire cleaning services can prioritise companies that pay a living wage to their employees.

Economic Incentives

Governments can provide tax incentives or subsidies to employers who pay a real living wage, helping to offset increased labour costs.

Monitoring and Reporting

Regular audits and reporting on compliance with real living wage standards can ensure accountability and encourage compliance.

Benefits of Supporting a Real Living Wage

Supporting a real living wage in the cleaning sector will yield numerous benefits for workers, employers, and society as a whole:

Improved Worker Well-Being

Workers who receive a real living wage will experience reduced financial stress, better physical and mental health, and improved overall well-being.

Increased Job Satisfaction

Higher wages can lead to increased job satisfaction, which, in turn, results in lower turnover rates and enhanced workplace morale.

Enhanced Productivity

Motivated and satisfied workers are more likely to be productive and will provide high-quality cleaning services.

Reduction in Poverty

A real living wage helps break the cycle of poverty, reducing the strain on the benefits system and improving societal well-being.

Positive Impact on Communities

A living wage can uplift entire communities by providing its workers with the means to support local businesses and contribute to the local economy.


While challenges exist, concerted efforts from government, employers, and advocacy groups can lead to a brighter future for those working in the cleaning sector, ultimately gaining a fairer and more prosperous society for the UK.

Here at Brightr, we run an ethical and sustainable business and wholeheartedly support not just the national living wage, but the real living wage, allowing our employees to earn the wages that reflect the true cost of living. In order to become a member of our team, our cleaners must provide us with two references, undergo a rigorous training program, and agree to close supervision of their cleaning.

With this process, we are able to promise you medical, industrial, office and commercial cleaning services of the highest possible standard. Not only this, but each of our team will also visit your premises uniformed and badged so that you are able to easily identify when they are visiting.

If you’d like to find out more about our services, then do get in touch with us here.

Cleanliness in a school environment is of utmost importance for several compelling reasons. A clean school provides a conducive atmosphere for learning, promotes better health among students and staff, instils discipline and responsibility, and sets a positive example for students. Undertaking commercial cleaning in a school of any size comes with challenges, but at Brightr we have vast experience in this field.  We’ve explored, understood, and practiced the critical aspects of why cleanliness matters in a school environment.

Effective Learning

First and foremost, a clean school environment is essential for effective learning. A tidy and organised space enhances concentration and reduces distractions. When students are surrounded by cleanliness, they are more likely to feel comfortable and at ease, which can significantly increase their ability to absorb information. In contrast, a cluttered and dirty environment can lead to anxiety and discomfort, which may hinder the learning process. By maintaining cleanliness, schools create a nurturing environment that promotes academic excellence.

Better Health

Cleanliness plays a pivotal role in promoting better health in the school community. Schools can be breeding grounds for all kinds of bacteria and germs which can cause illness. Regular cleaning and sanitation procedures help prevent the spread of these germs, which is important, particularly in cold and flu season and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. A clean school not only reduces absenteeism among students but also ensures the well-being of the entire school community, including teachers and support staff. It is an investment in the health and safety of everyone involved.

Fosters Life Skills

Cleanliness in a school environment also instils discipline and responsibility in students. When students are encouraged to keep their surroundings clean, they learn valuable life skills that extend beyond the classroom. It teaches them the importance of taking care of their environment, being mindful of their actions, and contributing positively to their community. These lessons in responsibility and discipline can shape their character and behaviour in the long run, making them more responsible.

Increases Staff Morale

A clean school environment has a direct impact on the morale and satisfaction of the school staff. Teachers and support staff spend a significant proportion of their waking hours within the school premises. A clean and orderly workplace can improve their job satisfaction and overall well-being. It can also boost productivity and motivation, indirectly benefiting the students they teach.

Positive Example

Maintaining a clean school environment sets a positive example for students. Children are highly impressionable, and their behaviours and attitudes are greatly influenced by what they observe. When they see teachers, staff, and their peers prioritising cleanliness, they are more likely to reproduce these values and practices. This can lead to a cultural shift within the school, where cleanliness becomes a shared value and expectation, creating a cycle of clean habits.

Longevity for Facilities and Equipment

A clean school also has numerous practical benefits. For instance, it prolongs the life of school facilities and equipment. Regular cleaning and maintenance can prevent wear and tear, reducing the need for costly repairs or replacements. Additionally, a clean and organised environment makes it easier for teachers to access teaching materials and for students to locate their equipment, books and supplies. This efficiency contributes to a smoother educational experience for all.

Community Impact

Beyond the immediate benefits, a clean school can positively impact the surrounding community. Schools often serve as community hubs, hosting events, meetings, and extracurricular activities. When the school premises are clean and well-maintained, it reflects positively on the entire community. It can attract support from parents, local businesses, and community members who are more likely to get involved and invest in the school’s success.

Environmental Impact

Cleanliness also has environmental implications. Schools are in a unique position to educate students about the importance of environmental responsibility. When schools implement eco-friendly cleaning practices, recycling, and waste reduction initiatives, they not only reduce their ecological footprint but also serve as role models for sustainable living. This can inspire students to carry these principles into their homes and communities, promoting a cleaner, healthier planet.


Cleanliness in a school environment is not merely a matter of aesthetics; it is a fundamental component of creating a positive atmosphere for learning, promoting health and well-being, instilling discipline and responsibility, setting a good example, and reaping practical and environmental benefits. A clean school ensures that students have the best possible environment in which to learn and grow, both academically and personally. All schools should prioritise cleanliness as an essential part of their educational mission, ultimately shaping the future of their students and the community at large.

Are you looking to move away from your current cleaning contract? This is something we’d be happy to help with. Instead of simply duplicating the existing contract, we’ll visit your site to undertake an audit and advise you on the best way forward. This way we can provide you with the best possible cleaning service we can!

If you require professional cleaners for your school, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team. Call us on 01604 55 66 77 to discuss your cleaning requirements today, we’d be happy to help!

As autumn sweeps in with its vibrant foliage and cooler temperatures, it also brings unique challenges for maintaining a clean workplace. The changing season ushers in falling leaves, increased moisture, and the potential for more clutter, making it crucial to implement effective strategies for cleanliness and hygiene. We’ve put together some essential tips and practices to help you keep your workplace spotless and safe during the autumn season.

Develop a Cleaning Schedule

The first step in maintaining a clean workplace during autumn is to establish a comprehensive cleaning schedule. Designate specific tasks and frequencies for cleaning duties, taking into account your needs for the changing season. Ensure that high-traffic areas and communal spaces receive more frequent attention to prevent the buildup of dirt and germs.

Declutter Regularly

Autumn often brings more clutter into the workplace, as employees may bring in wet umbrellas, raincoats, or muddy shoes. Encourage employees to keep their personal items organised and provide designated storage spaces for wet outerwear. Regularly declutter workstations and common areas to create a cleaner and more efficient workspace.

Invest in Quality Doormats

A simple yet effective measure to prevent dirt and moisture from entering your workplace is investing in high-quality doormats. Place them strategically at entrances to trap dirt and moisture from shoes before they can spread throughout the office. Regularly clean and/or replace doormats as needed to maintain their effectiveness.

Promote Good Hand Hygiene

With the arrival of autumn comes the onset of cold and flu season. Promote good hand hygiene practices among employees by providing hand sanitisers and disinfectant wipes in easily accessible areas. Encourage regular handwashing and the use of hand sanitisers to reduce the spread of germs.

Leaf Management

Falling leaves are synonymous with autumn, but they can quickly create a mess both inside and outside the workplace. Keep outdoor areas clear of leaves by regular sweeping or blowing. If your premises seems to be a collection point for fallen leaves, you may need to invest in a leaf blower or vacuum to make leaf management more efficient.

HVAC System Maintenance

As temperatures drop, your workplace’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system becomes crucial. Regularly maintain and replace air filters to ensure good indoor air quality. Dirty filters can circulate dust and allergens, leading to poorer air quality and a less healthy work environment.

Deep Clean Carpets and Upholstery

Autumn’s increased moisture can lead to mould and mildew growth if not properly managed. Deep clean carpets and upholstery to remove any accumulated dirt and moisture. Consider professional cleaning services to ensure a thorough job and extend the lifespan of your office furnishings.

Seal Windows and Doors

Check for any gaps or leaks around windows and doors, as autumn brings cooler temperatures. Proper sealing not only keeps your workplace more energy-efficient but also prevents drafts and moisture from entering, which can lead to mould growth.

Pest Control

As the weather cools down, pests like rodents may be looking to seek shelter in your workplace. Implement pest control measures to prevent infestations. Seal entry points, store food securely, and schedule regular inspections to catch and address any potential pest issues early.

Seasonal Decorations

While autumn decorations can enhance the ambiance of your workplace, they can also create additional cleaning challenges. Establish guidelines for decorating, including where and how decorations can be displayed. Assign somebody to maintain and clean these decorations regularly to prevent dust buildup.

Outdoor Cleaning

Maintaining the exterior of your workplace is just as important as the interior. Ensure outdoor spaces like car parks, pathways, and social areas are regularly cleaned and free from debris. Fallen leaves and twigs can create slip hazards, so prompt removal is essential for safety.

Educate Employees

An essential aspect of maintaining a clean workplace during autumn is educating employees about their roles in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. Conduct training sessions or distribute informational materials that highlight best practices, such as proper handwashing, reporting maintenance issues, and keeping personal workspaces tidy.

Green Cleaning Products

Consider switching to environmentally friendly cleaning products. These not only reduce the environmental impact of your workplace but also promote a healthier and safer indoor environment. Many green cleaning products are effective at removing dirt, dust, and germs without harmful chemicals.

Emergency Cleanup Kits

Prepare emergency cleanup kits for unexpected spills and accidents that may occur during autumn. Include absorbent cloths or paper towels, disposable gloves, disinfectant wipes, and rubbish bags. Having these kits readily available can help minimise damage and maintain a clean environment.

Regular Inspections

Regular workplace inspections are essential to identify and address cleanliness issues promptly. Designate a responsible individual or team to conduct routine inspections and document findings. This proactive approach ensures that cleanliness standards are consistently met.


Maintaining a clean workplace during autumn is a multi-dimensional task that involves proactive planning, regular maintenance, and employee cooperation. By implementing the strategies and tips outlined above, you can create a clean and inviting workspace that promotes productivity, health, and safety throughout the autumn season and beyond. Remember that a clean workplace not only enhances the well-being of employees but also leaves a positive impression on clients and visitors.

Whether you are in need of a professional industrial, commercial, office, surgery or even a sports centre clean, our team of cleaners are available to help. Providing reliable cleaning services to all types of businesses, small, medium, or large, we are the experts. If you would like to engage the services of a professional cleaning contractor to help you maintain cleanliness not just during autumn, but throughout the year, get it touch with us for a no obligation quote.

Cleanliness is a fundamental aspect of any business or organisation. A clean and well-maintained environment not only creates a positive impression but also contributes to the health and well-being of employees and visitors. When it comes to maintaining cleanliness, businesses have two primary options; whether to opt for in-house cleaning or to employ the services of a professional contract cleaning company. We have identified the key differences between these two approaches, helping you make an informed decision about which one is right for your company’s needs.

In-House Cleaning

In-house cleaning involves hiring and managing a dedicated team of cleaning staff who are directly employed by your organisation. These employees work directly for you on your premises and are responsible for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.

Benefits of In-House Cleaning


With in-house cleaning, you have direct control over the cleaning staff, schedules, and procedures. You can tailor the cleaning process to meet your specific requirements.


In-house cleaners become familiar with your facility, its layout, and your organisation’s unique needs over time. This can lead to more efficient and effective cleaning.


Since the cleaning staff are part of your organisation, they have a strong sense of accountability to maintain high standards of cleanliness.


You can adjust cleaning schedules and tasks as needed, responding quickly to changing circumstances or priorities.

Challenges of In-House Cleaning


Employing and managing an in-house cleaning team comes with overhead costs such as salaries, benefits, training, and equipment procurement.

Management Responsibility

Managing cleaning staff requires time and effort, diverting resources from core business activities. If you are unfortunate and have a high turnover of cleaning staff, recruitment could be added to your role!

Limited Expertise

Your in-house team may lack specialised knowledge and equipment for handling specific cleaning tasks. You would be responsible for organising training for your cleaning team, which may be quite specialised, for example gaining knowledge of hazardous chemicals and products.

Contract Cleaning

Contract cleaning involves outsourcing your cleaning needs to a third-party cleaning company. These companies provide trained personnel and equipment to clean your premises according to agreed-upon schedules and standards.

Benefits of Contract Cleaning


Contract cleaning often proves cost-effective as you only pay for the services supplied, avoiding the overhead costs of hiring and managing in-house staff.


Contract cleaning companies specialise in cleaning services and have the expertise, equipment, and products, and sometimes qualifications needed to tackle various cleaning challenges.


Contract cleaners follow predefined cleaning schedules and standards, ensuring a consistent level of cleanliness. If a cleaning team member is absent for any reason, the cleaning contractor will supply a replacement, ensuring there is no interruption to services.

Time Savings

Outsourcing cleaning responsibilities frees up your time and resources to focus on your own business activities.

Challenges of Contract Cleaning

Limited Control

You have less direct control over the cleaning staff and processes, which may lead to concerns about quality and responsiveness.

Lack of Familiarity

Contract cleaners may not be as familiar with your facility’s specific needs and layout, potentially resulting in less efficient cleaning.

Communication Challenges

Effective communication with an external cleaning provider is crucial to ensure your expectations are met.

Key Differences

Now that we’ve explored the benefits and challenges of both in-house and contract cleaning, we can summarise the key differences between the two approaches:

In-House Cleaning

  • Direct control over cleaning staff and procedures.
  • Familiarity with your facility and organisation’s needs.
  • High level of accountability.
  • Flexibility to adjust cleaning schedules and tasks.
  • Higher overhead costs.

Contract Cleaning

  • Cost-effective due to lower overhead costs.
  • Specialised expertise and equipment.
  • Consistent cleaning standards.
  • Time-saving, allowing focus on business.
  • Limited direct control over cleaning processes.
  • Potential communication challenges.
  • Making the Right Choice

The Decision is Yours

The decision between in-house and contract cleaning ultimately depends on your organisation’s specific needs, priorities, and resources. Here are some considerations to help you make the right choice:


If cost-efficiency is a primary concern, contract cleaning will almost certainly be the better option. However, if you have the budget to support in-house cleaning, you may want more control over the process.


Consider the complexity of your cleaning needs. If your facility requires specialised cleaning, such as healthcare, CQC or industrial cleaning, contract cleaning companies will have the necessary expertise.

Control vs. Convenience

Assess how much control you want over the cleaning process. In-house cleaning offers more control, while contract cleaning provides convenience and time savings.

Facility Size and Complexity

The size and complexity of your facility can influence your decision. Large or complex facilities may benefit from the resources and expertise of contract cleaning companies.

Quality Assurance

Evaluate the track record and reputation of potential contract cleaning providers to ensure they can meet your cleanliness standards.


In-house and contract cleaning each have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice you make should align with your organisation’s specific needs, budget, and priorities. Whether you opt for direct control with in-house cleaning or the convenience of outsourcing to contract cleaners, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is essential for the success and well-being of your business and its employees.

Here at Brightr, our team of cleaners are expertly trained to deal with the differing requirements which can be presented to them when carrying out commercial cleaning services. After an initial visit from one of our supervisors, we will recommend how often our cleaners should visit, how often they should clean particular areas and how often a deep clean may be needed. We won’t just duplicate an existing contract as we want to make sure you get exactly what you need from our services.

If you’d like a quote tailored to your requirements, get in touch here.

Maintaining cleanliness in a doctor’s surgery is of paramount importance for several significant reasons. A clean and hygienic environment is not just an aesthetic concern; it directly impacts patient health, staff morale, infection control, and the overall quality of healthcare services provided. We’ve explored the critical reasons why cleanliness in a doctor’s surgery is essential.

Infection Control

A doctor’s surgery is a place where patients with various health concerns visit daily. It is essential to prevent the spread of infections among other people. Effective cleaning helps eliminate harmful pathogens, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. A clean environment lowers the chances of healthcare-associated infections, safeguarding both patients and staff.

Patient Safety

Cleanliness ensures a safe environment for patients. Frequently touched surfaces such as waiting room chairs, door plates and handles, and examination tables, can harbour germs and bacteria. Regular cleaning and disinfection minimise the potential transmission of diseases, which is especially important for vulnerable patients with weakened or compromised immune systems.

Professional Image

A clean and well-maintained surgery creates a positive impression on patients and their families. It reflects the professionalism and commitment of the healthcare provider, instilling confidence in the quality of care provided. A clean environment can contribute to patient satisfaction, leading to better overall healthcare experiences.

Compliance with Regulations

Healthcare facilities must adhere to strict hygiene standards to comply with healthcare regulations. Cleanliness in a healthcare setting is a legal requirement. Regular cleaning ensures that the surgery meets these standards, ensuring the safety of all patients and staff, and a continuation of vital healthcare services.

Staff Health and Morale

A clean working environment is essential for the health and morale of healthcare professionals. Doctors, nurses, and support staff spend long hours in the surgery, and a clean workspace contributes to their well-being. A tidy and organised environment promotes a positive work atmosphere, which can enhance staff morale as well as productivity.

Preventing the Spread of Allergens

Dust, pollen, and other allergens can accumulate in a doctor’s surgery, potentially causing discomfort and health issues for patients and staff, particularly those with respiratory complaints. Regular cleaning helps reduce allergens, creating a more comfortable environment for everyone.

Aid in Diagnosis

A clean and clutter-free environment aids healthcare providers in proper diagnosis and treatment. It ensures that medical equipment and facilities are in optimal condition, minimising any potential interference with the diagnostic process.

Health Education

A clean doctor’s surgery can serve as a platform for health education. Clear and visible hygiene practices demonstrate proper care to patients and their families. It creates an opportunity for healthcare providers to emphasise the importance of cleanliness and hygiene in overall health and wellbeing.

Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections

Healthcare-Associated Infections, or HAIs, are infections that patients can acquire during their time in a healthcare facility. These infections can be severe, leading to prolonged hospital stays, and sadly, even mortality in some cases. Maintaining a clean environment significantly reduces the risk of HAIs. It’s particularly crucial in a doctor’s surgery, where patients with various conditions, including those with compromised immune systems, come into close contact.

Emergency Preparation

A clean and well-organised surgery is better prepared to handle emergencies. In a fast-paced medical environment, having clear and clean spaces ensures that healthcare providers can respond quickly and efficiently during critical situations. Uncluttered pathways, well-maintained and clean equipment, and clean and sanitary consulting rooms all contribute to a more effective emergency response.

Longevity of Medical Equipment

Medical equipment is a significant investment for any healthcare facility. Proper cleaning and maintenance of these instruments extend their lifespan, ensuring they remain in good working order. Clean equipment also reduces the risk of malfunctions during critical procedures, promoting patient safety and accurate diagnoses.

Public Health

A doctor’s surgery serves as a focal point for public health in the community. Regular cleaning not only benefits individual patients but also contributes to the broader public health agenda. By preventing the spread of infectious diseases, a clean surgery helps safeguard the well-being of the wider community.

Stress Reduction

A clean and organised environment reduces stress for both patients and staff. Patients visiting the surgery may already be experiencing anxiety due to their health concerns. A clean, comfortable, and welcoming environment can help alleviate some of this stress, making the experience more tolerable for everyone involved.

Building Trust

Trust is the foundation of the doctor-patient relationship. A clean and well-maintained surgery enhances this trust. Patients are more likely to have confidence in healthcare providers who demonstrate a commitment to hygiene and cleanliness. Trusting their healthcare professionals allows patients to be more open about their health issues, leading to better diagnoses and treatment plans.


Cleanliness extends beyond immediate health concerns. By promoting regular cleaning practices and responsible waste management, a doctor’s surgery can contribute to environmental sustainability. This can involve the appropriate disposal of medical waste, proper recycling, and the use of eco-friendly cleaning products, all of which align with broader efforts to protect our planet.

Cleanliness in a doctor’s surgery is not a luxury but a necessity. It is an integral part of providing quality healthcare services and creating an environment where patients can receive the best possible care. It directly impacts patient safety, infection control, regulatory compliance, staff well-being, and overall healthcare quality. It’s a fundamental aspect of providing effective healthcare services, and is testament of the commitment to the health, safety, and well-being of the community it serves.

Our Northampton team of cleaners offer expert services to the standard required by the CQC (Care Quality Commission). All of our cleaners are DBS checked, badged and uniformed so you know exactly who they are when visiting your premises, and well supervised to ensure a consistently high standard of cleaning. Before making it onto our cleaning team, each member must provide us with at least two references and are put through their paces with our thorough training. This way, we can ensure that you are getting the best CQC cleaning services possible.

If you already have a current contractor, we won’t just replace the hours already agreed in your current contract, we will audit your premises and advise on what we feel is best for your cleaning requirements, promising a successful service. Find out more here.

A clean environment is paramount in any healthcare setting, and a dentist’s surgery is no exception. The importance of cleaning in a dentist’s surgery cannot be overstated, as it directly affects the health and safety of both patients and staff, the quality of care provided, and the overall reputation of the practice. A well-maintained and sanitary environment not only promotes a sense of trust but also minimises the risk of infections, ensuring that dental procedures can be conducted efficiently and with the utmost precision.

Infection Control

A dentist’s surgery is a place where invasive procedures are performed daily, making it susceptible to the spread of infections. Proper cleaning practices, including regular disinfection of surfaces, sterilisation of instruments, and meticulous attention to detail, are essential to prevent the transmission of harmful microorganisms. The risk of cross-contamination is significantly reduced when cleaning protocols are strictly adhered to, safeguarding the health of both patients and dental professionals.

Patient Safety

Patients visit a dentist with the expectation of receiving top-notch oral care in a safe environment. A clean and well-organised surgery instils confidence and reassures patients that their well-being is a top priority. A dirty or disorganised environment can not only contribute to patient anxiety but also expose them to unnecessary health risks. Proper cleaning ensures that patients are treated in a safe and comfortable atmosphere, enhancing their overall experience, and fostering trust in the dental practice.

Quality of Care

Cleaning is not just about aesthetics; it directly impacts the quality of care a dentist can provide. A clean and clutter-free surgery allows dental professionals to work efficiently, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring accurate diagnoses and treatments. Clean instruments and sanitised surfaces contribute to the precision and effectiveness of dental procedures, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

Regulatory Compliance

Dentistry, like all healthcare sectors, is subject to strict regulations and guidelines. Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is not only a professional responsibility but also a legal requirement. Failure to adhere to cleanliness standards can result in serious consequences, including legal penalties, professional reputation damage, and the suspension of the practice. Consistent cleaning practices help ensure compliance with regulations, keeping the practice running smoothly and avoiding unnecessary complications.

Staff Well-being

A clean environment is not only essential for the safety and comfort of patients but also for the well-being of the dental staff. Dental professionals work long hours in close proximity to patients and equipment. A clean, organised, and sanitised workspace contributes to a positive work atmosphere, boosting staff morale and reducing the risk of occupational hazards. When employees feel that their workspace is clean and safe, they can focus more on delivering high-quality care and maintaining a positive attitude.

Reputation and Patient Retention

A dentist’s reputation is built on the quality of care provided and the overall patient experience. A clean and inviting surgery creates a positive impression, encouraging patients to return for follow-up appointments and refer others to the practice. Word-of-mouth recommendations are powerful in the healthcare industry, and a clean environment can significantly contribute to patient retention and practice growth.

Prevention of Cross-Contamination

Cross-contamination is a significant concern in any healthcare setting, and a dentist’s surgery is no exception. Dental procedures involve close contact with bodily fluids, and the potential for disease transmission is high. Proper cleaning practices, including thorough disinfection of surfaces, regular sterilisation of instruments, and strict adherence to infection control protocols, are crucial in preventing the spread of pathogens. By reducing the risk of cross-contamination, cleaning directly contributes to the overall health and safety of everyone within the dental practice.

Allergen Control

Many individuals have allergies or sensitivities to various substances, including cleaning agents. A well-maintained cleaning regimen ensures that allergens and irritants are minimised, creating a more comfortable environment for both patients and staff. Dentists must be mindful of the products used for cleaning, selecting those that are effective in eliminating pathogens while being gentle on those with allergies or sensitivities.

Emergency Preparedness

In a dentist’s surgery, emergencies can arise at any time. Whether it’s a sudden medical issue with a patient or a need for quick access to emergency equipment, a clean and organised environment facilitates rapid responses. Imagine the scenario of a dental professional needing immediate access to life-saving equipment, only to be impeded by clutter or a lack of sanitation. Proper cleaning and organisation ensure that emergency situations can be handled efficiently, potentially making a critical difference in positive patient experiences.

Professional Image

A dentist’s surgery is a place of professionalism, expertise, and trust. A clean and well-maintained environment reflects the dedication and commitment of the dental practice to providing the highest standard of care. Patients are more likely to have confidence in a practice that demonstrates attention to detail in every aspect, including cleanliness. A positive professional image not only attracts new patients but also builds long-term relationships, contributing to the growth and success of the dental practice.

Environmental Responsibility

Beyond the immediate benefits to patients and staff, a commitment to cleaning in a dentist’s surgery demonstrates environmental responsibility. Choosing eco-friendly cleaning products where possible and implementing sustainable cleaning practices helps minimise the impact on the environment. Dental practices that prioritise sustainability not only contribute to the overall well-being of the planet but also resonate with patients who value environmentally conscious businesses.

Continual Improvement

Regular cleaning routines create a foundation for ongoing improvement in the dental practice. By consistently assessing cleaning protocols, identifying areas for enhancement, and staying updated on the latest best practices, the practice can continuously evolve to provide an even higher level of care. This commitment to improvement extends beyond clinical expertise and encompasses all aspects of the practice, including maintaining a clean and safe environment.

The importance of cleaning in a dentist’s surgery cannot be overlooked. It is a fundamental aspect of providing safe, high-quality care, maintaining regulatory compliance, ensuring the well-being of both patients and staff, and building a reputable practice. By prioritising cleanliness, dental professionals create a positive environment where oral health is promoted, and patients feel valued and cared for.

The cleaning of dentists, hospitals or any other medical centres requires cleaners to be professional, extremely trustworthy and personable. our Northampton team of cleaners offer expert services to the standard required by the CQC (Care Quality Commission). All of our cleaners are DBS checked, badged and uniformed so you know exactly who they are when visiting your premises, and well supervised to ensure a consistently high standard of cleaning. Find out more about this, and our other services here.

The cleaning sector has seen considerable growth in the UK in recent years. Companies have become far more aware of the threat of infection caused by bacteria and germ transference, particularly in the workplace. A greater emphasis has been put on the need for cleaning particularly in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Commercial cleaning is essential for businesses to maintain a professional and inviting environment. A clean workplace contributes to a positive impression on clients, customers, and visitors, portraying a sense of professionalism and attention to detail. When a business premises is well maintained, it shows a commitment to providing a pleasant and comfortable space for all who enter.

The health and productivity of employees are directly influenced by the cleanliness of the workspace. Regular commercial cleaning helps reduce the spread of germs, bacteria, and allergens, leading to fewer sick days and increased productivity. Employees are more likely to feel motivated and valued in a clean and hygienic environment.

Safety and compliance are also crucial factors. In some industries, strict health and safety regulations must be adhered to, and regular cleaning plays a vital role in minimising potential hazards and risks. By keeping the workplace clean and organised, businesses can reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Additionally, commercial cleaning helps preserve the assets and infrastructure of a business. Regular maintenance prevents excessive wear and tear on office equipment, furniture, carpets, and other surfaces, saving businesses from incurring higher maintenance costs and frequent replacements.

Another significant benefit is improved indoor air quality. Commercial cleaning services can efficiently remove pollutants, allergens, and odours, contributing to a healthier work environment. This results in better air circulation, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and enhancing overall employee well-being.

So, how much does commercial cleaning cost? It’s maybe not as expensive as you might think. Your location will be a factor, as will the type of services you require. As you read on, we will look at the different services under the commercial cleaning umbrella and the costs associated.

What is Commercial Cleaning?

Commercial cleaning refers to the professional cleaning services offered to businesses, offices, commercial establishments, and industrial facilities. These services are typically provided by cleaning companies or janitorial service providers and are aimed at maintaining a clean, safe, and hygienic environment for employees, customers, and visitors.

The scope of commercial cleaning can vary widely depending on the type of business or facility being serviced. Some common tasks involved in commercial cleaning include:

  • General cleaning – This includes dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning surfaces like desks, tables, and countertops.
  • Bathroom/Toilet/Changing room cleaning – Thorough cleaning and sanitisation of staff bathrooms, including toilets, urinals, cubicles, sinks, mirrors, and floors.
  • Floor care – Cleaning and maintenance of different types of flooring, such as carpets, tiles, vinyl and hardwood.
  • Window cleaning – Cleaning of windows and glass surfaces to maintain a clean and presentable appearance.
  • Waste removal and recycling – Regular removal and disposal of rubbish and recycling materials.
  • Kitchen or staffroom cleaning – Cleaning and sanitising areas where food is prepared and consumed, including appliances, sinks, and worktops.
  • Dusting and high reach cleaning – Removing dust from hard-to-reach places and surfaces like vents, light fixtures, and ceiling fans.
  • Disinfection – In some cases, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, commercial cleaning services may include enhanced disinfection protocols to reduce the spread of germs and viruses.
  • Janitorial and consumables services – Supplying the supplies and consumables that clients need. This service is usually tagged on to existing cleaning service contracts, but some companies will provide a ‘stand alone’ service.

Commercial cleaning services can be customised to meet the specific needs of each business or facility. Some businesses may require daily cleaning, while others may opt for weekly or monthly services. Additionally, commercial cleaning companies often work outside of regular business hours to avoid disrupting normal operations.

Commercial cleaning is essential for maintaining a clean, healthy, and professional environment that positively impacts both employees and customers and promotes a positive image of the business or facility.

More specific office cleaning services include:

  • Daily or weekly general office cleaning
  • Frequent IT equipment cleaning (phones, keyboards etc)
  • Frequent touch point cleaning (door handles, light switches etc)
  • Periodic Carpet cleaning and/or hard floor maintenance
  • Frequent kitchen and bathroom cleaning

Hiring a commercial cleaning contractor gives you peace of mind that your business will be clean and sanitary, as well as the safety net of liability insurance which means that you are all covered for any eventuality. They may also have health and safety accreditations, which means that they have proven knowledge about how to ensure safety in the workplace and are aware of hazards and dangers that could cause issues.

When considering hiring any kind of external service, it’s important to do some research on possible candidates and obtain several quotes. Be aware that a low quote might not give you the high level of cleaning that your business needs.

What Can You Expect from a Commercial Cleaning Service?

When arranging quotes for your commercial cleaning requirements, you need to decide exactly what you need; how often will you require services, and exactly which services you want? Some cleaning companies operate on a minimum number of service hours per week, so be realistic about your requirements as you don’t want to be in a position where you are forced to overpay. Likewise, undercalculating the number of hours you need could see the service fall short of its expected high standard! Prospective professional cleaning companies will advise you of the number of hours needed when they survey your site during the quotation process.

In order to keep your business clean and tidy, weekly general cleaning services should be a minimum. Kitchen, toilet, canteen, and other food prep areas should be cleaned daily.

Consider whether you would like the carpets cleaned, and any hard floors which require specialist attention or maintenance. Window cleaning can be periodic, although many people choose to clean the outside of the windows at more regular intervals than the insides.

When your shortlist of contractors come to quote for you, discuss each aspect of your requirements. Talk to them about workplace hygiene, which will also keep your staff safe as this applies to all types of workplaces, not just those involved in handling food and personal products.

Maintaining workplace hygiene is crucial for the health and safety of employees and visitors. When working with a cleaning contractor, there are several steps both the employer and the contractor can take to ensure that workplace hygiene is consistently maintained:

  • Clearly define expectations

The employer should communicate their hygiene requirements and expectations to the cleaning contractor in detail. This includes specifying the areas that need cleaning, the frequency of cleaning, and any guidelines for handling hazardous materials or sensitive areas.

  • Develop a comprehensive cleaning plan

The cleaning contractor should create a detailed cleaning plan that outlines the tasks to be performed, the schedule for each task, and the cleaning products and equipment to be used. The plan should align with the employer’s hygiene requirements.

  • Regular communication

Establish open lines of communication between the employer and the cleaning contractor. Regular meetings or check-ins can help address any concerns, provide feedback, and make necessary adjustments to the cleaning plan.

  • Provide proper training

The cleaning contractor’s staff should receive adequate training on workplace hygiene, the proper use of cleaning equipment, and the safe handling of cleaning products. This will ensure that they are knowledgeable and capable of carrying out their tasks effectively.

  • Monitor performance

The employer should regularly monitor the cleaning contractor’s performance to ensure that they are adhering to the agreed-upon cleaning plan and maintaining the required hygiene standards. This can involve inspections, feedback from employees, and performance evaluations.

  • Flexibility and adaptability

Both parties should be flexible and willing to adapt the cleaning plan when needed. Circumstances may change, and adjustments may be necessary to accommodate new requirements or address specific issues.

  • Address concerns promptly

If issues or complaints related to workplace hygiene arise, they should be addressed promptly and professionally. The employer and the cleaning contractor should work together to identify the root causes and implement solutions to prevent future occurrences.

  • Compliance with regulations

Ensure that the cleaning contractor follows all relevant health and safety regulations, including those related to the use and disposal of cleaning products and hazardous materials.

  • Encourage employee involvement

Engage employees in maintaining workplace hygiene by promoting personal cleanliness, proper waste disposal, and tidiness in their work areas. This can create a cleaner environment overall and complement the efforts of the cleaning contractor.

  • Continuous improvement

Regularly assess the effectiveness of the cleaning plan and explore opportunities for improvement. Embrace feedback and make necessary changes to enhance workplace hygiene continuously.

By establishing a collaborative and proactive approach, employers and cleaning contractors can work together to create a clean and hygienic workplace environment that promotes the well-being of everyone in the organisation.


Some cleaning contractors will provide you with a list of services which they provide, along with prices for those services, but a more common practice is for them to give you a price per hour, day, week, or month. This price should include any tasks within the cleaning remit, but may exclude equipment hire and cleaning products for specialist jobs. Some contracts may include cleaning materials, but others may not in which case you would be responsible for sourcing and maintaining the supply of products. Most companies prefer to leave the supply of cleaning and janitorial products to their contractor.

You may be asked by your prospective contractor to commit to a minimum term when you take them on. Contracts like these are usually for between 6 and 12 months and will require both parties to give at least a month’s notice to quit. This is standard practice and protects both client and contractor alike.

After you have asked any questions and had any queries answered, there will be a contract created between both parties, which may require a deposit. You will then receive a start date and services will commence.

Typical Commercial Cleaning Costs

Commercial cleaning costs can vary; there is no exact science. Depending on the cleaning contractor you choose, and the geographical location of your business, the rates that you could pay can be very different.

Commercial and office cleaning rates per hour based on geographical location

AreaTypical Rate
North of England and Scotland£12 – £15 per hour
London£15 – £25 per hour
South and East of England£15 – £20 per hour
Wales£12 – £20 per hour

Evening and weekend cleaning can be more expensive due to the unsociable hours, but this is down to the discretion of the contractor.

Some cleaning contractors may charge by size (square footage or meterage), rather than an hourly rate. This is generally for larger premises but can be scaled down to suit your building and budget. Obviously, the cost will rise depending on the size of your building because of the duration of time taken to clean it as well as factoring in materials and cleaning supplies, and the number of cleaning crew members. Below are the typical rates you can expect to pay each month based on the size of your workplace. These rates are an average and will vary depending on your location.

Commercial and office cleaning rates by area, per month

Total Square FootageAverage Cost
500 – 3,000£195 – £500
3,000 – 6,000£500 – £800
6,000 – 10,000£800 – £1300

How long does it take a commercial cleaner to clean a business?

The amount of time taken for commercial cleaning will always depend on the business size and the volume of people occupying it. If the workforce is small each task might not need to be carried out every day. But if the business is on a large scale, then the likelihood is that most areas will need regular cleaning. Consider the number of toilets and hand basins in the bathroom, whether your work premises has food preparation areas etc. As a guide, the table below averages out the man hours needed for general office cleaning.

Commercial and office cleaning hours by area, per week

Total Square FootageNumber of Man HoursFrequency of Cleaning
2,000 – 4,00023-5
5,000 – 7,00035

Factors Which may Affect the Cost of your Commercial Cleaning

The overall price you pay for your commercial cleaning service can be influenced by several factors. It is essential to consider these factors to ensure you get the best value for your money and a service that meets your needs and standards. Here are some key factors that can affect the pricing:

  • Scope of Work

The extent of the cleaning services you require will play a significant role in determining the price. A more comprehensive and detailed cleaning package will generally cost more than basic or standard services.

  • Frequency of Service

How often you need the cleaning service can impact the price. Regular contracts or recurring services may offer discounted rates compared to one-time or infrequent cleaning appointments.

  • Type of Facility

Different types of commercial facilities have varying cleaning needs and challenges. For instance, a medical facility or laboratory will have more stringent cleaning requirements than a general office space, which can influence the price.

  • Cleaning Specifications

The level of cleanliness and specific cleaning tasks you require can influence the price. Specialised cleaning services, such as carpet cleaning, window cleaning, or deep cleaning, may incur additional costs.

  • Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

The cost can differ based on the quality of products and tools and equipment used.

  • Location

The location of your commercial space can impact pricing due to variations in labour costs, transport links, and accessibility.

  • Industry Standards

Cleaning companies may have industry-standard rates based on the type of service they provide. Comparing prices among different companies within the same industry can give you an idea of what to expect.

  • Insurance and Liability Coverage

Reputable cleaning companies carry liability insurance to protect against potential damages or accidents during their service. This coverage may factor into the pricing.

  • Contract Length

The length of the cleaning contract can influence the pricing. Longer-term contracts may offer better rates compared to short-term or month-to-month agreements.

  • Seasonal Factors

Some cleaning companies may adjust their prices based on seasonal demand or factors like weather conditions that could affect the ease or difficulty of cleaning.

  • Additional Services

If you require additional services beyond standard cleaning, such as pest control or waste management, the overall cost will reflect these extras.

  • Company Reputation and Experience

Established and reputable cleaning companies may charge higher rates due to their experience and track record of delivering quality services.


When hiring a commercial cleaner, it’s essential to ensure that the cleaning company or individual possesses the necessary accreditations and certifications. These credentials demonstrate their competence, professionalism, and commitment to quality services, and any professional contractor should have at least one of them. Here are some accreditations you could ask for:

  • SafeContractor

SafeContractor is a leading health and safety accreditation scheme that ensures companies meet specific safety standards. It assesses various aspects of the cleaning company’s operations to ensure they comply with health and safety regulations.

  • ISO 9001

This certification demonstrates that the cleaning company has implemented a quality management system that adheres to international standards. It indicates their commitment to providing consistent and reliable services.

  • British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc)

Membership or certification with BICSc shows that the cleaner has received formal training and education in the cleaning industry. This helps ensure a higher level of professionalism and expertise.

  • CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme)

CHAS is a government-backed health and safety accreditation scheme. Having this accreditation indicates that the cleaning company complies with health and safety standards.

  • National Carpet Cleaners Association (NCCA)

If you require carpet cleaning services, ensure that the cleaner is a member of the NCCA. This accreditation shows they have undergone specialized training in carpet cleaning techniques.

  • British Cleaning Council (BCC)

Membership in the BCC indicates that the cleaning company is part of the UK cleaning industry’s recognized trade association.

  • Safe Management of Waste and Resources (SMWR)

This certification ensures that the cleaning company handles waste appropriately and follows environmentally friendly practices.

  • Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001

If you are concerned about the environmental impact of the cleaning services, look for companies with this accreditation, which demonstrates their commitment to environmental management.

  • Public Liability Insurance

Ensure the cleaning company has valid public liability insurance to protect against any damages or accidents that might occur during the cleaning process.

  • References and Testimonials

While not official accreditations, checking for references and testimonials from previous clients can provide insight into the cleaner’s reliability, quality of service, and professionalism.

Always ask the cleaning company to provide proof of these accreditations and verify their authenticity before hiring them for your commercial cleaning needs. It’s essential to choose a reputable and trustworthy cleaning service to ensure a clean and safe working environment for your business.

Is Commercial Cleaning Worth It?

Whether commercial cleaning is worth it depends on various factors such as the size and nature of your business, your budget, and your priorities. Here are some considerations:

  • Professional Image

A clean and well-maintained workplace creates a positive impression on clients, customers, and employees. It reflects professionalism and attention to detail, which can enhance your brand’s image.

  • Health and Safety

Regular cleaning reduces the spread of germs and contaminants, promoting a healthier environment for your employees and visitors. This can lead to fewer staff sick days and increased productivity.

  • Compliance

Depending on your industry, there may be regulations or standards regarding cleanliness and sanitation that you need to abide by. Hiring commercial cleaning services can ensure that you meet these requirements.

  • Time and Efficiency

Outsourcing cleaning tasks allows your employees to focus on their core responsibilities, improving overall efficiency and productivity. Professional cleaners have the expertise and equipment to complete the job effectively and in a timely manner.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

While hiring commercial cleaning services involves financial investment, it can be cost-effective in the long run. Outsourcing your cleaning eliminates the need to purchase supplies and equipment, as well as the costs associated with training and managing in-house cleaning staff.

  • Flexibility

Many commercial cleaning companies offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your business hours and specific cleaning needs. You can customise the frequency and focus of cleaning services based on your requirements.

  • Quality Assurance

Reputable and professional commercial cleaning companies typically guarantee the quality of their services. They may offer satisfaction guarantees, providing you with peace of mind knowing that the job will be done to your satisfaction.

Ultimately, whether commercial cleaning is worth it for your business depends on comparing these factors against your specific needs and circumstances. Try a cost-benefit analysis and consider the potential long-term benefits to help you make an informed decision.

What is a Cleaning Checklist?

A cleaning checklist is a structured list of tasks and chores that need to be completed in order to clean a particular space effectively. It serves as a guide to ensure that all necessary cleaning duties are addressed thoroughly and efficiently.

A typical cleaning checklist may include tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping floors, wiping surfaces, sanitising bathrooms, and organising clutter. Depending on the specific needs of the space being cleaned, the checklist may vary in complexity and detail.

A professional cleaner uses a checklist for several reasons:

  • Ensuring thoroughness

Cleaning checklists outline all the tasks that need to be completed in a particular space. This helps ensure that no areas are overlooked or neglected during the cleaning process, resulting in a more thorough job.

  • Consistency

Checklists provide a standardised approach to cleaning, ensuring that the same level of cleanliness is achieved each time. This is especially important for commercial cleaning services where consistency is key to meeting client expectations.

  • Time management

By breaking down the cleaning tasks into a checklist, cleaners can better manage their time and prioritise tasks efficiently. This helps them complete the job within the allotted time frame and meet any deadlines.

  • Accountability

Checklists serve as a record of the tasks that were completed during each cleaning session. This allows both the cleaner and the client to track progress and ensure that all agreed tasks have been carried out satisfactorily.

  • Communication

Checklists can also serve as a communication tool between cleaners and clients. They can be used to outline specific preferences or requirements for cleaning certain areas, ensuring that expectations are clear and met.

Will the Rise in the National Living Wage Affect the Price of My Cleaning Contract?

The rise in the national living wage could potentially impact the price of your cleaning contract. Since labour costs typically represent a significant portion of the expenses for cleaning companies, an increase in the national living wage will almost certainly lead to higher operating costs for cleaning businesses.

To offset these increased costs, cleaning companies may adjust their pricing for contracts, including yours. They could pass some of the increased costs onto their clients through higher service fees. However, the extent to which prices might rise can vary depending on factors such as the specific terms of your contract, the competitiveness of the cleaning market in your area, and the strategies adopted by cleaning companies to manage their costs.

It’s advisable to discuss any potential price adjustments directly with your cleaning service provider to understand how they plan to navigate the impact of the rise in the national living wage on their business operations and pricing structure.

What is the Biggest Cost in the Cleaning Industry?

Labour costs are typically the most significant expense in the cleaning industry. This includes wages for cleaners, supervisors, and administrative staff, as well as associated expenses such as training, benefits, and payroll taxes. Other costs can include (but are not limited to):

  • Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Purchasing and maintaining cleaning supplies, tools, and equipment can be a substantial expense. This includes items such as vacuum cleaners, mops, detergents, disinfectants, and other specialised cleaning products.

  • Insurance

Cleaning companies typically need various types of insurance coverage, including liability insurance to protect against claims for property damage or injuries, as well as workers’ compensation insurance to cover employees in case of work-related injuries.

  • Transportation

Depending on the scale of operations and the range of services provided, transport costs can be significant. This includes fuel expenses for company vehicles, maintenance costs, and potentially leasing or purchasing vehicles.

  • Training and Certification

Ensuring that cleaning staff are properly trained and certified in various cleaning techniques and safety procedures can incur expenses. This may involve conducting training sessions, obtaining certifications, and staying updated with industry standards and regulations.

  • Marketing and Advertising

Promoting services and attracting clients requires investment in marketing and advertising. This could include online marketing, print materials, participation in trade shows, and other promotional activities.

  • Overheads

This includes rent or mortgage payments for office space or storage facilities, utilities, office supplies, and other general administrative expenses.

  • Regulatory Compliance

Meeting regulatory requirements and industry standards may involve costs associated with obtaining licenses, permits, and complying with health and safety regulations.

  • Customer Acquisition and Retention

Acquiring new clients and retaining existing ones often involves expenses related to sales efforts, client relationship management, and customer service initiatives.


Unfortunately, not all cleaning companies are as reliable and trustworthy as they first seem. Sometimes you could end up with a careless cleaner and an unprofessional clean. Where a CQC standard is also required, this could leave your premises at risk of immediate closure. At Brightr we are proud to be Northampton’s best reviewed, most trusted cleaning company. We also offer professional, high quality cleaning in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas.

Our cleaners must provide us with two references, undergo a rigorous training program, and agree to close supervision of their cleaning. With this process, we can guarantee cleaning services of the highest possible standard. Each of our team are uniformed and badged so that you are able to easily identify when they are visiting.

Our cleaners are conscientious, well-mannered and can work around the public without creating a disturbance, allowing them to clean your site during the day which eliminates the need to entrust us with keys to your premise. If you prefer your premises to be cleaned in the evening our team can provide cleaning services at a time to suit you.

If you are looking for a trusted cleaning company who offer a consistently high quality service, contact us for a free no obligation quotation.

When summer arrives, it brings with it longer days, warmer weather, and an excellent opportunity to give your carpets some well-deserved attention. With the grime of the winter and colder, damper months behind us, the summer is the perfect time to get to grips with your commercial carpets. You may feel like they need replacing, but fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best practices and techniques for effectively cleaning your carpets, ensuring they remain fresh, clean, and inviting throughout the season. From regular maintenance to tackling stubborn stains, we’ve got you covered.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial for preserving the longevity and cleanliness of your carpets. Here are some key practices to incorporate into your routine:

a) Vacuuming: Regular vacuuming helps remove dirt, dust, and allergens from the surface of your carpets. Pay special attention to high-traffic areas and use attachments to reach corners and edges. The regularity for which your carpets need to be vacuumed will depend on the size of your business and the footfall passing through it each day.

b) Prevention: Place doormats at entrances to minimise dirt and debris from being tracked into your carpets. This is vitally important as, unlike at home, work premises can’t implement a “no shoes indoors” policy to reduce the amount of dirt and stains brought in from outside.

c) Spot Cleaning: Address spills and stains immediately to prevent them from setting into the fibres. Blot the affected area gently with a clean cloth or paper towel, working from the outer edges towards the centre to avoid spreading the stain.

Deep Cleaning Methods

While regular maintenance is essential, deep cleaning should be performed periodically to revitalise your carpets. Consider the following methods:

a) Hot Water Extraction: Also known as steam cleaning, this method uses hot water and a cleaning solution to penetrate deep into the carpet fibres, loosening dirt and debris. A specialised machine extracts the solution along with the dirt, leaving your carpets refreshed. Consider hiring professionals or renting equipment for optimal results.

b) Dry Powder Cleaning: Ideal for delicate or moisture-sensitive carpets, this method involves spreading a dry cleaning powder over the carpet, working it into the fibres and then vacuuming it up. The powder absorbs dirt and grime, leaving your carpets clean and dry.

c) Shampooing: Like hot water extraction, shampooing involves applying a foamy cleaning solution to the carpet and agitating it with a brush or machine. The solution is then rinsed and extracted, removing dirt, and leaving your carpets smelling fresh.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Solutions

For smaller areas or immediate cleaning needs, you can create effective DIY carpet cleaning solutions using household ingredients:

a) Bicarbonate of soda and Vinegar: Sprinkle bicarbonate of soda over the stained area, spray a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar, and let it work for a few minutes. Scrub gently with a brush or sponge, then blot the area with a clean cloth.

b) Washing up liquid and Warm Water: Mix a few drops of mild washing up liquid with warm water. Apply the solution to the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, and then blot with a clean cloth.

Additional Tips and Precautions

a) Before using any cleaning method or solution, always test it on a small, inconspicuous area of your carpet to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration.

b) Open windows or turn on fans to aid airflow and speed up drying time for your carpets after cleaning.

c) Consider a professional cleaning contractor with expertise in carpet cleaning services if you’re unsure, or if your carpets require extensive restoration.

With the summer season in full swing, it’s important to give your carpets the care they deserve. By implementing regular maintenance, utilising deep cleaning methods, and employing DIY solutions, you can keep your carpets in top condition throughout the year. Remember to act promptly when spills occur and to take preventive measures to minimise dirt and stains. By following these best practices, your carpets will not only look fresh and clean but also contribute to a healthier and more inviting work environment.

If you’re not quite ready to roll up your sleeves and deal with your carpets yourself, then Brightr will happily do it for you!

Did you know a dirty carpet can hold four times its weight in dust mites, skin cells, dust, bacteria, and many other types of allergens? These can cause havoc with allergy sufferers and could end up making you sick. Minimise staff sick days! Well-kept floors make all the difference to an office, and we provide regular carpet spot cleans as part of our office cleaning services.

For carpet cleans, we tend to use either hot water extraction or the Texatherm rotary system which is designed to kill dust mites which can affect those who suffer with conditions such as asthma. Hard floors are usually mopped, or spray buffed on a daily basis as part of your standard office clean. To keep hard floor surfaces in the best condition, we usually suggest periodic stripping and re-sealing.

For information about any of our commercial cleaning services, find out more here.